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Ayat was dressed in a straight gown paired with a matching veil while Eeman was dressed in a pale pink dress.

They visited the orphanage and other places, they had so much fun. 

They're  now at a small restaurant eating food to fill their empty stomachs.

"Thank you Eeman" Ayat whispered.

"For what" she asked.

"For taking me out. You know since after Abba's, death I didn't step my feet outside. I always lock myself inside the room but today I feel really happy for the first time after Abba's death."

"I genuinely smile and laugh and it's all because of you, thank you soo much." Ayat said.

"Huh it's okay, no need to thank me. You can always count on me" Eeman said.

"I know" Ayat said.

"What's wrong with you,  did I say something bad" Eeman asked with concern laced in her voice.

"No you didn't" Ayat said.

"So what's the problem? Why did your mood change all of a sudden?" Eeman asked.

"It's nothing, you don't have to worry." Ayat said

"You know I will not subscribe to that, so spill." Eeman said

It will be better to tell her what's going on if not, she will never let this slide. Ayat thought to herself.

"It's just that I'm still job hunting and it's not yielding. I was called for an interview on Monday but I'm  scared, what if I still don't get the job."

"This Is the fifth time I'm applying for a job and all my offers were turned down"  Ayat told her.

"Everything is going to be okay Insha Allah. Just go and if you still don't get the job, you should keep trying."

"Never give up because you know you can't give up now. The Ayat I know is strong and will never give up until she gets what she wants."

"I know that times are difficult for you now. At times, you want to give up because of the pain you are going through."

" My advice here is, never give up on what you want. Ignore the pain and keep on moving. You didn't come so far to quit."

"Keep on moving, keep on striving hard until you reach the end. Good days are coming Insha Allah and when you feel like giving up, think of the situation you were before and how strong you were at that time."

"Never let a situation stop you from achieving what you want to achieve in life."

"The Almighty knows the situation you are in. He knows how hard it is for you to move on. Just be patient and bear in mind that with every hardship comes ease."

"You have to be strong for Mami, Hanaa and Asma. Don't forget that you are their strength. If you give up now, what do you expect from them"

"I know that Abba is no more, he is not around to give you a shoulder to cry on but still, be patient."

"Wherever he is now, I'm  sure he is proud of the woman you are becoming. And if you didn't get the job I will ask Daddy to help you."Eeman said.

"No you don't have to do that. We've troubled him alot. You know that even if he help us now, we will not depend on him forever."

"It's just that Abba's relatives are not helping at all. They even want to collect the small things he left for us but the moment I get a job everything will be okay Insha Allah." Ayat said.

"Ayat sabr Insha Allah everything will be okay" Eeman said

"I hope so, thank you so much love, you know that's why I love you." Ayat said.

"I know that and I loved you too" Eeman replied.

They were almost done with their food when a guy entered the restaurant.

He was dressed in a pair of jeans with a t-shirt and a cool pair of sneakers. Ayat didn't miss the staring contest he exchanged with her best friend.

"Hey do you know him?" Ayat whispered.

"No, don't you see that he is handsome," Eeman replied.

"You are not serious, abeg hurry up let's get going. If not Mami will not allow me to go out any
time soon." Ayat said.

And with that, they stormed out of the restaurant but before they went out, that guy smile and winked at Eeman and she blushed.

"What's happening between the two of them." Ayat said to herself.

"But she will find out soon." Ayat said.

They live the restaurant and as they stepped their foot outside. They feel the temperature has increases, the sun becomes brighter and the days become lazy and long.

The outdoor season has begun, and life is definitely easier when the weather is good.

Ayat look up at the sky and the breeze filled her nostrils.

It felt good because the weather is cool. She looked at the cloud.

How the stars makes it shine and the moon lighten it to bright colours that gives a mixture of sky blue and white.

She feel happy because at that time it makes her forget all her worries, sadness and unhappiness. She wish that moment will last forever.

They hurriedly left the place and Ayat bade Eeman goodbye before they all leave for their respective homes.

Ayat entered the house with that smile not leaving her face but it last  for a few seconds before her world come crashing again.

" Please and please don't harm her. Don't harm her she is just a small girl who has gone through a lot in her life."

"Yes I promise you she will not remember anything.  Yes the nightmares are coming back but I will make sure she never remembered anything that happen that day. "

"I will do as you said but please don't harm her. "

"Ohk I understand.  Thank you "

And with that being said Mami cut the call as she take in a long breath and wipe the sweat on her forehead.

But one thing she didn't know is that Ayat heard everything she said and yet again she find herself in that darkness again and she willingly accept it with open hands.












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