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Adeel don't know what to do or say again after the woman he know all through his life said, she is not the one.

If she is not Mami, the Hajiya Rakeeya he know, Ammie's best friend and Ayat's mother then who exactly is this woman?.

Who is this woman who claims to be Ayat's mother?.

"In order not to bring back hurtful memories to Ayat, I have no other choice than to marry her Father; Fadeel." The woman said.

A quick flashback

"Mami is my twin sister."

We were twins but unfortunately my sister Rakeeya was sick and a lot of money was needed for her treatment."

"We were not rich at that time."

"Our parents were not rich and so they couldn't raise the money for her treatment."

"The small amount of money gathered was all used for my sister's hospital bills and medicines."

" It was later on that, a friend of our father decide to pay everything that will be needed but in return he will take Rakeeya along with him."

"They don't have any other option than to accept his request as long as they will save my sister."

"With the help of Alhaji Wakeel and his wife, my sister got better and they treated her like their own together because they were not blessed with any child."

"Rakeeya was enrolled in an expensive school and they gave her all the love, affection and attention she would cared for."

"After Rakeeya has completed her degree in Bsc architecture, she brought Fadeel as the person she loves and they happily got married because they know that Fadeel will treat their daughter well."

"It was after her marrige to Fadeel that he knows the truth about Rakeeya and her background."

"Fadeel was glad that he met the people that give birth to his wife."

"The very day Rakeeya gave birth to a bouncing baby girl, Alhaji wakeel named her Najla and he transferred all his wealth in her name before his last breath."

"After Alhaji Wakeel 's dismiss, his selfish brother wants nothing but that wealth."

"He did all what he could to influence Rakeeya to sign those papers but she never did."

"I can vividly remember this day and I will never forget it in my life which is on 10th May."

" Rakeeya  called me crying that their life is in danger and I should come and save her but before upon reaching there, she was already murdered. "

"What!" Ammi said mouth agape.

"Do you mean Mami was killed?."

"But who could do this to her?." Abbie asked.

"Arif," She said

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