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The next day, Ayat set for work and with the help of those children she managed to enter the palace in search of the donkey.

The hard part is how can she enter the room the old woman told her to?.

She had to act fast, very fast because she knows that Jabir is looking for her. She prayed silently hoping that she will not get caught but she was suprise when she spotted layla in one room talking to someone.

"What is layla doing here?." Ayat said to herself.

"Is she perhaps Jabir's daughter and the fake princess or what?."

Ayat move closer to hear what they're saying.

"Abu you mean they didn't find her?." Ayat heard layla asked

"Yes they didn't know her whereabouts."

"What if we get expose." Layla asked

"I know but that will not happen" Jabir said.

"She will not ruin your dream of becoming the princess and if she try to do so. I will make sure I end her life just like how I killed her parents." Jabir said.

Ayat almost lost her balance when she heard what he just said.

(Is he the one that kill her parents? Oh ya Allah! Did she just heard right or is her ears playing a trick on her?. If Mami is not her mother then who is her real mother?.)

"I fooled them all especially Adeel. I was the one that injected him and that injection makes me to control him and he killed Rakeeya Ayat 's biological mother as per my order."

"Also I caused that accident and when Ahmad was rushed to the hospital I rushed there and finished him because he saw my face and I don't want him to be a barrier in my life especially when I'm close to achieving my dream."

Ayat couldn't believe what her ears are hearing.

What is she hearing and how comes she can't remember anything.

"Now go and make sure nothing goes wrong." Jabir said and smile to his daughter.

Ayat can clearly see how layla stood up with pride and wore a face mask and when she turned she can see the resemblance.

She can now see the truth.

She can clearly understand why those children were suprised when they saw her because layla is putting a mask that makes her look exactly like Ayat.

So all this while Layla is faking her identity?

Ayat entered a room close to the one Jabir and Layla are.

Her eyes were filled with unshed tears after what she just heard.

The room is dark and it's like it was not used for years.

Ayat tried to switch the bulb in the room and when she did that she regret doing that in her life.

Right there and then she heard the voices again, the cries, the pleadings, the tears.

Her mother's tears asking for help.

Her fathers lifeless body.

Jabir's wicked laughter that filled the room.

And herself.

Ayat could clearly remember everything that happened on that day and again she found herself in that dark phase of her life again where her mother was killed in front of her eyes.

Ayat felt remorseful because for all these years she failed to fight justice for her mother.

She didn't do anything and let people like Jabir hurting innocent people but since she remembered everything now, she will fight for every pain Jabir inflicted on her parents.

With a heavy heart Ayat managed to enter the room where she will find the horse.

She open the room with the key.

The moment she stepped inside the room, she sighted her grandfather's horse playing all around the place and it makes her remember how she used to play with the horse together with her grandfather.

"Favorite" Ayat called and the horse turned around.

He remembered the name and it has been years he heard someone calling him with that name.

Hearing the name makes him remember his master.

The horse gallops and stand close to Ayat.

She hugged him as tears of joy falls from her eyes.

She is happy that he didn't forget her.

Her favourite didn't forget her.

"I miss you so much" Ayat said which makes the horse to jump like he understands what she said.

"Now you have to help me in doing something. Will you?" Ayat asked.

The horse jumped again and Ayat rubbed his body gently.

"That's my boy, comes let's leave here before they catch us" Ayat said but before she make any attempt of escaping she heard footsteps coming towards them and the door was pushed.

"Don't you dare move from this place if not I will shoot you" Jabir said and Ayat felt like killing him at that moment after what she found.

"How did you manage to enter this place?" He asked.

"Guards locked her up" but before they approach her Ayat jumped and climb the horse.

The horse don't need to be told twice because he already knows what he has to do.

Jabir was shocked because the horse refused anyone for years and now Ayat has succeeded in getting his trust and that, she is ruining all his plans.

The guards tried to stop her and the horse but Ayat escaped from them.

Ayat saw a sword and she quickly took it from where it was kept.

The moment she picked the sword the people and guards bow down to show respect clueless Ayat was just looking at how the people bowed before her.

Are they bowing because of the sword or what? What does that mean?.

"The truth will soon reveal itself. Go and fight. Fight for the truth because the truth will always win. My blessing are always with you" That old woman said.

Ayat looked at the sword and read what's written on it.

"You will achieve great things as long as you believe you can make it"

While the other part of the sword was another writing also.

"Sucesss comes only to those who want to achieve great things and never belive in failure."

Ayat smiled as she read the words on the sword before she made up her mind to start the journey without any destination in mind with those few words of hope.

"Sucesss comes only to those who want to achieve great things in life."








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