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Ayat was suprised when the old woman called that name and she also checked her neck for a mark that she doesn't know she has.

Ayat is confused.

But the woman cut her train of thought.

"I know you have many questions to ask but before then, let me tell you a story of what happenened some years ago" The old woman said.

"Muhammad Fadeel Ahmad Al- Afasi your grandfather has ruled this land for a very long time who passed the throne to your father"

"But at that very time, your father's brother wants nothing but that throne."

"He did many evil things that will make sure he gets the throne but all to no avail."

"When your mother is pregnant with you, they did many things to make sure you were not born because he knows if your mother gave birth to a boy, then there is 0% that the throne will not come back to him."

"On the day you were born, your grandfather named you Sarah. Meaning ; princess and he did that very mark on your neck."

"Your father ruled this Kingdom peacefully even though Jabir creates one or more problem everywhere."

"When you reached 10years old, your grandfather declared that even after his death, you will be the next king after your dad and he transfer all his wealth and his Kingdom properties to you which created a huge problem in this Kingdom."

"And since that very day, peace was lost in this country."

"Your grandfather was no where to be found."

"Your mother was killed."

"And your father also disappeared and the people thought you're the evil princess that is rulling them now."

"Your grandparents in the name of Alhaji Wakeel and Mai Martaba Muhammad left alot of wealth for you because you're their only grand daughter and before Alhaji Wakil's dismise he made sure that all what he has is transfered to your name."

"My mother was killed." Ayat said under her breath or maybe she didn't hear her right. 

But she did hear her and if her Mami is dead then who is the woman she is staying with at home?.

"After you left. Your best friend and his family also left Agadas because they can't live with the pain of not having you around."

"Ever since you left. This Kingdom lost its peace also because Jibril took over the throne together with his daughter that claims to be you but that will not happen until they find the treasure."

"The treasure that will make them be in power for the rest of their lives."

"What kind of treasure is that?" Ayat asked.

"I used to work as a maid to your mother back then. I was there when your mother gave birth to you."

"I can never forget your grandfather's reaction when he held you"

"When you turned six, your grandfather always take you to his favorite place and he will go out with you on his horse."

"There was this place where he kept his golds, wealth and many important things."

"It was a small room inside the palace but before you enter the place, you have to open it with a key"

"He put that key on your neck because he said you're going to be the princess."

"The key is in a form of necklace" The moment Ayat heard that word necklace she remembered the one she found and showed the woman

"Is this the key?" Ayat asked.

The woman was taken aback when she saw the necklace because it was stolen.

"Yes it is the one but how did you get it?" The woman asked.

Ayat narrate all that happen to the woman without omitting any part.

"You see this key and ring" The woman said

"Keep them with you because they're part of the things your uncle is looking for"

"This key will lead you to open the room but there is a part that's missing"

"That part is a small letter 's' and it is the only thing that will make you get that treasure and be the princess."

"Inside the room you will see your grandfather's favourite horse. That horse has been kept for years and it's well fed."

"Take it because the horse will help you in your battle."

"If you get access to that horse. There is a mark on his right leg."

"If that mark is still there on it's leg then it will take you to your grandfather as long he is alive."

"But keep this in mind. You can't get that donkey if you're a bad person but my mind is telling me that you're not."

"This is all I have for you. You have to fight the rest of the battle yourself.  I don't have much to say." The old woman said.

"But my mind is telling me that you will be successful and win this battle."

"Go and fight"

"Go and win"

"Because this land is rightfully yours."

"Always keep this in your mind that you're born to fight this battle and you will succeed."

"The people of Agadaz have been waiting for freedom for a very long time. So please don't break their last string of hope."

Ayat wiped her tears as she vowed to bring back the peace, smiles and happiness that her father and grandfather builds for a very long time."

She is going to fulfil their promise of making a lively and peaceful Kingdom and bring back what's rightfully her's even if she is going to lose her life while doing that.

She will fight injustice, and bring peace.

She will fight tears, and bring smiles.

She will fight sadness, and bring joy.

She will fight unhappiness and bring happiness.

Ayat promised to fight hatred and bring back the love.

The love that was present during the time of her father and grandfather.

The love that makes the people laugh as if they don't have anything to worried about in life.

She vowed to bring back the love.

That love that makes her grandfather to crown her as the princess of Agadaz and he named her.










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