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Before, all of a sudden, the dunes appear.

A sea of golden waves that appears to have no beginning and no end. 

The summers are sweltering and partly cloudy; the winters are short, comfortable, windy, and mostly clear; and it is dry year round. Over the course of the year.

The air is constantly in movement. There also is a continuous exchange of heat and moisture between the atmosphere and Earth’s land and sea surfaces.

Walking through palm gorges, the route joins the dry Rhris River and heads towards an oasis of tamarisk trees.

Ayat was in the middle of the desert, basically having no sense of direction whatsoever.

Riding down the coastline of a twenty-mile island off the coast of the Sahara. Not knowing where to go was an issue but through the desert, seeing various attractions throughout the trip. 

Ayat walked day and night with no destination of where she is going to. One thing she know is that Jabir is after her and she had to be fast in order to rescue herself from him.

Even favorite is tired so she tried to get somewhere and spend the night before she continue her journey the next day.

Luckily for her she saw a small hut and thank her lord because she plan on sleeping outside hadn't been she can't find a house.

She entered the hut and it's like no one is using it for years. The place is dirty but it's okay since she is just spending the night there.

Ayat found a safe place and tied her horse, she then stare at the star for some minutes hoping she will find a hint of what she should do next .

She gets tired of staring as her eye lids begins to close so she decide to close it and give it what it want. Not long after that she heard a move.

Ayat was scared at that moment thinking it's Jabir and his people. She looked clearly only to find and old man chained completely.

Ya Allah! What is this old man doing in this place" Ayat thought.

"Water" The old man said

"Water" He repeated again.

Ayat hurriedly bring the remaining water left with her and give it to the man and he gulped everything at once.

Ayat pitied the man imagining how wicked people can be.

What if something happen to the man?.

And they even chained him.

The old man rested on Ayat and she unchained him completely.  It was when she unchained him that she saw his face.

She saw the old man's face and she couldn't explain what she felt at that time.

"Grandpa" Ayat called

"Are you the one Abu"

"Are you really the one " She called again.

Fortunately enough, Muhammad Fadeel Ahmad Al-Afasi her grandfather is the one she is holding on her lamp.

He looks tired, misrable, dirty and old.

"Abbu" she called again.

He smiled at Ayat and the tears fall from his eyes because she could recognize him and he was able to meet her again in his life before his last breath.

"Are you really the one Abbu, Tell me I'm not dreaming please"

He touched her soft face and cleaned her face.

Ayat couldn't hold her tears any longer so she let them fall on their own as she held her grandfather tightly.

The person that love her unconditionally, the person that gave her life after her father.

It feel surrel and peace because after so many years she has seen her grandfather and she feel as if she is home.

Her grandfather is someone she can always count on.

"Who did this to you Abbu" Ayat asked.

"Your uncle Jibril. He want me to give him the throne but Jabir will not be a just leader. He is wicked and selfish. He will only think of himself and not the people and because I said I will not do what he wants he brought me to this place tied up."

Ayat felt angry at that time and she doesn't know what to do.

Why will her uncle do this to her grandpa.

What did this innocent man do that he will treat him like a thrash.

"Come let's leave here before they find us " Ayat said as she stood up to help her grandfather.

"No you should go and save those that are helpless. Just leave me here because for sure I will die and I'm happy that even though I didn't see my son before my last breath, at least I saw my grand daughter."

"Take this because it will help you in this battle "

Ayat collected what her grandfather gave her and when she checked properly, it was the other part of the ring she is looking for.

"You're the princess and no one else. Go and save your kingdom from destruction" Her grandfather said.

"No Abbu I can't leave you here" Ayat said as she hurriedly carried her grandfather despite his protest to leave him alone.

She made him sit on favorite and when favorite saw his master, he dribbled and wiggled his tail while his master touched him softly with tears of joy because at last they unite after so many years.

Ayat decide to follow another route so that she will not get caught by Jabir. And that's how they start another journey of war without any knowledge of what to do next.

This is going to be the final war and it's either she fail or win but no matter what, she will not fail that's one thing she keep in mind.

And even if her mind is not ready to fight the war but her heart wants to after what she found and also her fathers word kept on pushing her to the battle and she just hoped that it's going to be the right decision.

Ayat is afraid but she calms down whenever she remember that her lord is with her and He will always guide her to do the right thing.

As she always remember her father's words.

"Depend on Allah with all your matters because he is the only one to help you and not the people and today she is going to do that and it's for the best she hope."

With this she is ready to fight this battle against her Uncle and it's either she win or lose because they're only two people in this world and they're " THE WINNERS AND THE LOSERS."










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