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The morning light reflect directly on her face and her eyes open.

Ayat listen to how the birds sing in a soothing voice that makes her want to listen to it every day.

She peeped at the window.

The people of Agadas are ready to start their day with beautiful smiles on their faces.

It has been a week now and Ayat has already accept the fact that she will never meet her family again because there is no way she will escape from this place.

Anytime Jabir visits her and she fails to answer his questions she gets beaten badly.

He said he will not stop until she tells him the place he will find that treasure.

Ayat's life has changed completely ever since she lost her dad.

She took a last glance at the window but before she left the place. 

She saw some children and maybe just maybe it's time for her to escape this place.

She moved closer so that the guards will not hear her before she calls them.

The children were scared at first but she told them that she mean no harm to them.

Upon hearing this from her mouth they moved close to where she was.

'Who are you?" They asked her.

"I'm Ayat. I was kidnapped. Can you please help me out of here. These people are wicked." Ayat said

The children stared at her doubting weather to trust her or not

"Please." Ayat said as a tears fall from her eyes.

"Okay we will help you but if you're lying we......"

"I swear I'm not lying" Ayat cut them.

From her eyes they can see nothing but plain truth but the question here is what is their princess doing in this place?

And who are the people that kidnapped her?

They have too many questions to ask her but that's not the time so they skipped that part.

Ayat was very happy when they told her they will help her escape that place.

They were almost done when she heard the footsteps of the guards.

"Can you please hide for some minutes." She said to them.

Suddenly the room was pushed revealing two huge men.

Ayat pretend to be sleeping so the man woke her up with a loud sound that frighten her.

"Hey miss you're not brought here to sleep. Here is your food and you should make sure you get ready on time because boss is coming today." The man said.

Ayat managed to nod her head despite the fact that she is scared.

She just hope the children will be able to help her.

After they left, the children hurriedly help Ayat through the window and the moment she was free from that place.

She realeased a deep breath of freedom.

'Let's leave this place before they find out." Jamal said.

They quickly left the place but before they were out of sight the princess has passed in front of them.

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