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The place was a beautiful and captivating sight to keep looking at without getting tired. Words enough cannot describe how the place looks like because it looks huge, beautiful, amazing and gigantic.

Every single thing about the place was adorn with golds of so many kind. It look beautiful in a way words cannot express how the place looks like. 

Every place screams money, golds, luxuries and may more.

They were not able to close their mouths ever since they entered the place because no amount of words can express what they're seeing.

"This is the treasure your uncle have been fighting to have for a very long time." Muhammad said.

There were pictures of the late princess all over the place. Some with her father, mother and others with her husband.  Mami shed tears when she saw her because she can only see her mother in picture and not in reality just like Ayat.

A big "S" was drawn inside a wall and there was another small "s" close to that big "S".

"Put that small "s" inside the big one" Muhammad said and Ayat brought that necklace and insert it inside the big "S".

When she inserted the small "s" inside the big "s", it makes a sound. Gently Ayat pushed it and suprisinly it was a door.

They entered the place and the first thing they saw was another picture of the princess with a text caligraphy that was placed on the wall.

"Always be that soul that live with the memories and when you leave, let your absence be felt."

Ayat touched the text and she don't know how but she instantly fell in love with it.

"These are the clothes she always wore when she was alive so can you go and wear it also" Muhammad said as he give the clothes to Ayat.


It was a sight to behold seeing Ayat clad in the princess cloth that made her skin glow like the sun rise and her Arab features were visibly drawn out that day making her look like the beautiful damsel she is.

With a batch of guards that stood behind her, making sure their soon to be princess was safe and secured.

Mami was on her right holding her hands, Hanaa and Asmaa were close to Mami, Adeel was on the other side of this best friend and Layla was standing close to him. 

After his talk with Ayat he found out that he was in love with Layla and has confessed his truly undying love for her and now they're lovers and will soon be a thing.

Ayat had her head high. She don't know for how long she will hold the tears but they can fall at anytime.

She is scared because she is going to step on something she has never dream of not to talk of imaging it.

Will she be able to do justice? This is something she kept on asking herself but she don't know the answer to that question yet.

Ayat looked at the millions of people she will be rulling from now till her last breath and she felt like disappearing and never come back again.

The Former Emir Muhammad took the crown from a slave and placed it on Ayat's head. She closed her eyes as she let the tears fall, it's felts odd and she wished her Abba is here to hold her hand like he always do.

Muhammad congratulate her as he hug her whispering soothing words to her and she felt a little bit relief.

She stood up with courage as she faced her people. Mami squeezed her hands, Hanaa and Asmaa also smiled at her and Adeel also send his reassuring smile her way.

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