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"Doctor how is she?" Adeel asked

"She will be fine, she just need some rest" The doctor assured.

"But doctor, what happened to her that she had panicked attacked?."Afaf asked

"Well it's like she is caged in her own world, that's why she had the attack."

"She was trying to recall something but in the process of doing so she failed miserably and her brain too has weaken."

"It's like she is fighting with her own self, she saw something that triggered her to take such action but I want you to restrain her from anything that will triggered her memory."

"Let her remember it on her own so that they won't be any problem or brain damage."

"You should not worry she will be fine, just make sure she take her medicines" The doctor explain.

"Thank  you doctor"Afaf said.

"It's my pleasure" The doctor said with a smile on his face.


Afaf went to check on Ayat just to find her lost in her thoughts.

She felt bad for what happen and to top it all her brother also contributed to the situation she is in and she is seriously angry with him.

He tried to explain himself but she's  not going to hear a word from him.

"Apologize to her first before I think of forgiving you" that was her words.

"Hey how are you feeling" Afaf asked Ayat.

"Much better" she replied.

"Ayat" she called.

"I'm  sorry for what happen, please do find it in your heart to forgive him."

"I know that I'm being selfish here because he is my brother but please do have it in your heart to forgive him" Afaf pleaded.

"No you don't have to do that, beside you're not the one who wrong me. He is the one that suppose to apologize and not you" Ayat replied.

"I...I...tried to explain myself but he never listen and he tried to...to, ya Allah" Afaf said.

Afaf hug her because that's what she needed now.

She can clearly see how her body is shaking in fear.

"Ya Rahman! I don't know how the girl is coping but I do know that she is still in fear and it will take time before she heal." Afaf said

"Angel" Nawal barged into the room running and Ayat quickly wipe her tears before she offered her a smile.

"My baby how are you and how is your wound?" she asked.

"I'm fine. See it's no longer paining me" she said and hug her.

"Awwn my baby has grown up" Ayat said

If  Only She Knew✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz