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When a person rules a place, no matter how small it is, he must have enemies. Those that will show him real hatred and those that will show love but in reality they despise that person with passion.

This is what Muhammad Fadeel Ahmad Al-Afasi has been facing and to his upmost suprise his wife, son  and his in-laws are the ones that despise him just because of worldly material.

At that time, he has no option than to break the promise he made some years ago so that he will give the rightly owner what belongs to them and the best solution is to make his son Fadeel the king of Agadas even though it will create a huge rift between the two families.

At that time, Muhammad promise to make the first son of his wife be the king of Agadaz because his wife is the only daughter to her father and as far tradition a girl will not rule so their only option is to make Muhammad the king and when his wife gets a son he will give him the throne but that did not happen because of something he found out.

He want to disclose the truth but before he did that, his wife and son held him captive for years but now that he was rescued and he is glad that he is still breathing his only hope is to disclose everything and feel better perhaps he can rest in peace.

Even though Jibril's mother and grandma said Muhammad was a betrayer till their last breath he wish they know the truth because they will not say those harsh full words to him.

And now that Jibril want nothing but to get that throne at any cost as per his mother's last wish.

Muhammad want to reveal the truth now because if this chance escape from him then he can't do it any more.

He just hope they will understand all this and Jibril will stop causing troubles for them.

Muhammad was thankful to Ayat and his lucky stars because if not because of her his son would have killed him in the name of fulfilling a wish.

And his heart has approves the fact that Ayat is the only person that deserves the throne and no one else.

They walk in Sahara day and night and he can see how she takes care of him. What he yearn for years is now going to happen and he is happy for that.

From afar Muhammad can see how his people are showing their kind respect to him and it makes him smile.

A smile he has not put for years or so

"Why are you smiling grandpa" Ayat asked

"I'm smiling because at last before my last breath I know that my people are in a safe hand"

"Grandpa what is the secret behind that sword" Ayat asked.

Muhammad knows why she asked him because at last someone remove the sword from where it was kept for years.

"When the right time comes even the cloud will not stop the stars from shining " He replied her.

"What does that mean" Ayat asked.

"You will know the whole thing soon" He said.

Ayat have many questions to ask but she don't want to stress the old man so she keep quite.

Muhammad smile for the last time before he was welcomed by his people.

He shed tears of joy, no it was tears of happiness, no how didn't even know the kind of tears he is shedding but no matter what it is, he is glad that at last he is back home.

Mami couldn't hold it any longer so she shed tears as she hug Ayat.

She knows the girl have recalled everything and she don't know what she will do whether she will take her as a mother after knowing the truth or not but no matter what she is still her mother.

Ayat hugged her sisters and they cried in each other's embrace.

"This is home and there is no any other place than home" Ayat said.

Ayat was given a room to freshen up. She let the hot water massage her tired bones because it's been days she had a hot relaxing shower.

She came out and saw clothes on bed courtesy of Mami. Ayat smiled before she slip into the dress.

"Are you not angry with me" Ayat was startled at first but when she saw that it was Mami she heaved a sigh.

"Why should I be?" She asked.

"Because I hid things from you" Mami said as she collect the comb from Ayat who wad trying to comb her hair.

"Mami don't say that please because whatever you did it's for my own best so why should I be angry at you. No matter what, you're still my mum and I'm glad you never let me feel the absence of my mom." Ayat said.

"I know that it hurt because I won't see her again nor will I hear her voice and laughter but I hope wherever she is, she is happy and she should continue to rest in peace because I'm blessed with another mother who means the world to me." Ayat said.

Mami was unable to say a word after what she just heard from Ayat, she only hugged her and Ayat felt safe and protected in those arms.

"Thank you dear" Mami said but Ayat only smiled and put her head on Mami's lamb because she only knows what she was feeling at that moment.

Twenty minutes of silence pass before Ayat decided to break it.

She hesitate at first but never the less she followed her mind "Mami"

Mami turned and give her full attention to her.

"Can you please tell me who my mother is? if you don't mind"

It sound somehow but Ayat only want to know her mother because if she can't see her in reality perhaps she will know her through words.

"Sure" Mami said as she took a deep breath because she is going to open a deep wound but the girl has every right to know who her mother is.

"Your mother is the most friendly person you will ever meet in your life. She is unique in her own style. Very friendly and a carefree person just like you and that's why your father fell in love with her and I was not able to take her position because she mean the world to him."

"He always said no one will ever replace her in his life and whenever he looks at you, you always remind him of her especially when you do something that remind him of her."

"He love her till his last breath"

"Do you know what " Mami asked Ayat but she heard no response and when she check on her Ayat has fallen into a deep slumber.

Mami only smile as she adjust her sleeping position and leave the room because her baby needs to rest after all what she has gone through.








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