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Ayat tried to open her eyes, but she failed miserably due to the reflection of the morning light reflect that hit her eyes.

She tried again and, luckily enough, she was able to open her eyes only to find herself in an unfamiliar room.

Just then, all the events that happened yesterday started coming back to her memory, and she remembered everything—, her minor fight with Adeel, and how those goons tried too..... ya Allah subhanallah!.

What if Adeel was not there on time to save her?, will they be able to do what they intended to do to her?

Would they have succeeded in an attempt to execute their intention?.

Would she brought shame to her family?

She will forever be grateful to Adeel because he saved her life, most especially her bodily integrity, but that doesn't mean she's  not angry with him..

She haven't informed her family about her whereabouts, and she know that they must be so worried about her.

"Ya Rahman! I don't even know where my phone is." Ayat said

She tried to stand up to get her phone from the vanity table, but her body was not co-operating with her due to all the energy she exhausted, while fighting those goons.

As she stretched her hand to get the phone, something small caught her attention.

It was a small diary.

"This diary looks familiar, I know it somewhere but where"? A thought ran through her mind..

She was curious to know where she know that diary from and when she picked and opened the first page, the first words of the book sound a writeup that appeared familiar to her ears.

It was as if she had a strong connection with the diary.

She read the title aloud this time around to clear her doubts. It read;

Moments of Togetherness’.

"Moments  of togetherness"

Her curiosity grew wider, and  she  seriously wanted to know what was inside the book, so she opened it's first page and the title was written boldly while two names were inscribed under it.

Memories to cherish
Arif and Arfa.

And there was a poem that was written there, it read:.

Let me hold your hands and make memories
Memories I want us to cherish in the future
Memories that are worth sharing
And the only best memories we will smile while reminiscing the olden days.

You don't have to ask for my permission before you hold my hands
Because my hands is all yours to hold.
Hold my hands as long as you want
So that the memories will be beautiful just like how our relationship is .


I opened the next page because something is telling me that I shared something like this with someone but "how and when?" I asked myself, as I flipped through the other pages to read another poems

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