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"It's been years and there's no news about him."

"I've asked private investigators to check for his whereabouts or his family but all my efforts was in vain."

"Where is he?, how is he?, all I don't know", Alhaji Sufyan said to his wife, Hajiya Yasmeen.

"You should not worry, we will find them if Allah wills" she replied him.

"When?", he had asked her.

"I'm not young any longer, I'm getting old. I'm moving closer to my grave with each passing day."

"I want to see my friend once again before I leave to the silent world."

Hajiya Yasmeen knows that she can't say anything that will make him feel better because, he is desperately in need of the person he don't know whether he is alive or not.

This is the matter they've been talking about for years and still, they haven't achieved anything good yet.

How can she tell him that she also missed her friend and she seriously want to look at her again.

The same way her son and husband missed their friends, that's how she does.

She can't show them that because, they need her comfort to feel better but truth to be told, she seriously missed her friend and there is no one on this earth that will replace her in her heart.

Back then, they were a lovely family of two that work together as one.

They build a strong bond that is hard for enemies to break and their children were the best of friends.

They don't know what happen but, they woke up one day and they were not around leaving everything behind with some few words, "we're sorry, we have to leave so that we will not put your lives in danger."

That letter they received shattered them completely, they check many places but there were not found and they had to leave everything behind too and start afresh.

But the memories are still there and it hurts to know that the person you shared them with, is no longer with you.

Adeel's case is the worst.

He still believe that they're alive and he will soon find them and now that he met Ayat, there is 80% possibility that she is his Arfa and he is ready to do anything as long as he will get her back.

"Let's keep praying and hoping that, we will find them soon if they're alive "Insha Allah", Hajiya Maryam said


"Yaya" Abeer called,

"Yes anything for me", he asked.

"Can you please take us to a friend's house." Abeer asked.

"No", he replied curtly.

"Please Yaya, we will not stay long." Fadeela begged.

"I said no", Please Yaya.

"I said no and that's final" , he replied angrily.

"What's happening here", Abbi asked.

"Abbi please ask Yaya to take us to a friend's house."

"She has not been in school for some days. Please we want to visit her maybe something is wrong and the driver is not around." Fadeela beg her dad.

"Nothing is wrong", Adeel said again clearly annoyed with them.

"Take them Deel", Ammi said.

"But Ammi".......he started but she cut him.

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