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"I need everyone to turn in their assignments before we have to change classes." I stood by my podium at the front of the classroom and watched all my students gather their papers to turn in. I thanked them as they handed their assignments over and kept an eye out for a particular student.

"I wasn't able to finish in time Mr. Styles." Oli signed disappointedly, causing me to sigh lightly. I nodded but still held my hand out for him to give me his paper.

Oli hasn't been acting as chipper as usual since the party over the weekend. The morning after, Louis wanted to spend the day alone with Oli so I had no idea what had been said between the two brothers. All I know is that Oli has been struggling in my class ever since.

"I would like to speak with you after class Oli." I signed to him. He nodded and retreated back to his desk in silence. The light to signal the switching of classes blinked a few times and I dismissed my classroom quickly after. I saw that Oli had stayed behind like I asked so I ambled to my desk, gesturing for him to follow.

"How are you, Oli?" I asked him tentatively. He shrugged before signing 'good'.

"Are you sure? I've noticed that you haven't been focusing as much in class lately and you were unable to finish your assignment today." Oli leaned back in the seat I pulled out for him.

"Ive just been distracted." I tilted my head and gestured for him to explain. I watched him fiddle with a thread on his jeans before looking at me with sad eyes.

"Valerie hasn't spoken to me since the party." His eyes teared up a little and I couldn't help my eyes widening in surprise.

"Did something happen that made her not want to speak to you?" I asked carefully. He closed his eyes tightly and dropped his head into his hands. I walked around my desk and put my hand on his shoulder, squeezing lightly.

"I was stupid and acted like a dickhead in front of her. I treated her like she was an object instead of my independent girlfriend." Oli signed once he looked up at me, the tears falling from his eyes slowly. "How do I make this right Harry?"

I sighed and gestured for Oli to stand from his seat. He looked at me questioningly but followed my direction. Once he was fully standing, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders tightly, bringing him into the tightest hug I could muster up.

He gasped shakily but eventually fell into my embrace, grasping my shirt with his hands in order to hang on to me. I felt his teary eyes wet my shirt slightly but I didn't dare to mention that.

"The first step is realising that you were wrong with your actions. See, you've already done that." I signed once we pulled away from each other. He shrugged, unconvinced.

"The second step is giving her a little bit of time. If you try to talk to her before she is ready, she will just push you away even more." He huffed in annoyance.

"But how much time does she need? I really want to make it up to her sooner rather than later!" I nodded along with his signing but kept on with my list.

"Third, is to gain her trust back. Trust is not given out lightly, especially when it comes to Valerie. You have to show her that you're actions are not going to be repeated again." I held my hand up before he could interrupt me again. "Lastly, you have to think of a helluva good apology. Followed by being the best boyfriend she could ever have." Oli let my words sink in and he nodded in agreement.

"Thank you for helping me, Harry. I needed someone who wasn't my brother to talk to and I knew Zayn would just tell my brother as soon as we were done talking." I huffed out a laugh.

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