How to deal with a breakup 101

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One of the things Dean learned in the time after his breakup was that people have many different ways to deal with heartbreaks. Someone want to be by themselves to think about it alone. Others hangs out with friends to keep themselves from thinking about it. Someone meet new people. While others drown themselves in Ben and Jerry’s and watch romantic comedies (or that is if you would believe the romantic comedies: Dean had never heard of anyone in real life actually doing that).

Dean's way of dealing with the breakup was denial, denial and more denial. The explanation was simple: Cas was just confused. This was not his own choice. His damn brother had made him do this. He was gonna change his mind soon, they just needed to give him some time. Therefore, this was not a real breakup. It was just a misunderstanding. Sort of. Everybody needed to calm down: Dean was gonna be fine, because Cas would be back in no time.

Naturally, this reaction only made Dean's friends even more worried about him. They told him he needed to be sad and talk about it. But he just couldn't.

When Dean had remained in the schoolyard after the so-called breakup, being embraced by Anna, he had been certain Cas would come back in a week. Tops. Everyone had tried cheering him up, but he insisted he didn't need cheering up, since this wasn't a breakup.

Therefore, the next few days weren't all that bad for him. Sure, an approach like that wasn't exactly what you might call healthy, but it made it easier on him. It took some time before he finally started facing reality. 


"Dean." Dean looked at Anna and tried his best to ignore how patronizing she sounded. "I'm not saying you should give up on him, but this isn't good for you."

Dean groaned internally. He was such an idiot. Of course this was why they had insisted to hang out this day. They had wanted to give him an intervention, or whatever, because they didn't trust his way of handling this. He felt really offended.

Dean shook his head and tried to sound as convincing as possible when he spoke. "You're wrong, Anna. You're all wrong.” His eyes raked over the others in the room. Uriel, Anna and Rachel. They were all sitting at the usual spot in Anna’s living room, in front of the TV. On the table stood a bowl of chips and an almost untouched dip that they all had tried once, and then never again. Dean couldn't realize how anyone would even buy something like that. “This isn't him talking. It's his brother, Michael. It's not Cas' fault he got dragged back to bible camp. You didn't hear him, but I swear to you: It wasn't his own words. He’s not himself right now. Can’t you guys see that? His brother got him completely brainwashed."

Anna had a strange look on her face. She exchanged looks with Uriel and Rachel, who both nodded their heads lightly in some sort of agreement, before she turned back to Dean. "I was gonna wait to tell you this till you had calmed down, but I think you need to know it now." She paused. "I talked to Cas the day after you guys broke up." We didn't break up, Dean wanted to correct her. Cas did. Or his brother. 

Dean sat up to feel like he was more in control over the situation. His eyes flickered quickly to Uriel who was grabbing a handful of chips and started chewing them loudly. "What did you say to him?" He asked.

"I just wanted to talk to him. Since the breakup happened so suddenly, you know. None of us had seen it coming.” Tell me about it, Dean thought. “So I needed him to clarify a little.”

"What did he say?"

Anna lingered. "I know you mean that he is just confused and he doesn't mean this and so on, but he sounded completely sincere, Dean. He meant it. He broke up with you, and you need to accept that."

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