Merry post-X-mas

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When the snow didn't come before Christmas Eve, most people were fairly disappointed. It was not as if the snow actually used to come by then, on the contrary. That didn't stop everyone from hoping every single year, though.

Sam was one of those who cheered for the snow most eagerly. Every morning when Dean went into the kitchen to make breakfast, Sam would appear and let him know the status of the snow.

"It'll definitely start snowing any minute now! I can sense it, Dean!"

"According to the weather forecast, it'll snow today!"

"The snow will come within the next couple of days."

"Perhaps sometime this week..."

Dean had just started ignoring Sam's snow talk. He had simply begun toning it out as white background noise. Therefore, his brother's words took a minute to sink in when Dean one morning, a couple of days after Christmas Eve, was sitting at the kitchen table, eating breakfast as usually. He had just poured some milk into his bowl of cereals, before passing it over to Jo. She, Ellen and Bobby had been staying at the Winchester’s house for some days now. Ash had been staying there too, but he had gone home just the other day, saying something about having to guard his lair. Dean didn’t even bother asking anymore.

"Snow!" Sam exclaimed as he darted into the room. He had thrown a red hoodie over his usual pyjamas, and his hair was pointing in all directions. He stopped in the middle of the room, wide-open eyes darting between the two others. Dean could practically sense the energy waves radiating off him.

"Yes, Sam, we know", Jo mumbled without looking up from the magazine she was reading. Dean could see the face of an actor he thought he recognized at the front. "You like snow. Good for you." Jo gave Sam a half-hearted thumbs up. She was as fed up with his obsession with snow as Dean was.

"Guys! I mean it", said Sam, clearly annoyed at their lack of enthusiasm. He sighed exasperatedly and ran a hand through his hair. "Just look out of the window."

Dean rolled his eyes, before doing as his brother had told him to. He was half expecting just to see clouds that "looked like they were extremely close now to start letting the snow fall". The sight that met him, though, made him lighten up instantly.

"It's snowing", Dean mused, and even Jo looked up at this.

"Seriously? You too? Have you been infected by Sam's virus and started hallucinating too?"

Dean just shook his head and pointed out of the window.

Finally, Jo turned around, magazine still in her hand. She too looked surprised, and made a noise of approval. “About damn time.”

The sky was white, and small snowflakes were falling slowly from the clouds. There was no snow at the ground yet, so it couldn’t have snowed for more than a couple of minutes. However, Dean could see the top of the mailboxes and fences starting to get covered in white.

Dean nodded in response to Jo’s comment, even though she had her back to him and couldn't see it.

A sudden melody cut through the silence and Dean picked up his mobile, lying on the table. He made a mental note to change his ringtone as he pressed the answer button, making the melody stop, and lifted the phone to his ear.

"Hello Anna", he said. "So I take it you've heard the news."

"Damn right I have", Anna said, sounding grim. Dean felt a bit sorry for her. Her parents had dragged her to the family’s cabin for the holidays. Since she had no siblings she was stuck there, in the middle of the woods, with only her parents and grandparents, and no other children. "Rachel called me the second it started snowing to rub it in my face."

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