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A couple of days ago I suddenly noticed that this story had over 1K reads. I just want to thank you so much! I really appreciate it.

One month. One entire month. Well, that's a first! A couple of weeks, sure. That had perhaps happened once or twice. Although, never much more than that. Dean had always gotten bored by then or just simply found a reason not to stay. If you think about it, a month is quite a long time to spend with just one person. Dean had never understood how people managed.

Until now, that is. Lately he had experienced several things he before had thought never would happen to him. The first was to get all speechless while asking someone out. The next ones, to actually plan a date in detail and to last one entire movie whilst sitting that close to someone. Lastly: to be together with someone an entire month. If someone had told him some months ago that these things were all going to happen to him in such a short time, he'd probably just laugh in their face. Oh, how the tables have turned.

Dean turned away from the calendar he had watched for the last minutes. The one that told him that tomorrow it was one entire month since his first date with Cas. It was a Thursday in the middle of November, and Dean had just gotten home from school. Anna, being...well... herself, had made big plans during the lunch that day, about everyone going to her parents' cabin the next weekend. Apparently, it was this big cabin out in the woods somewhere, a couple of hours drive from where they lived. She had surprisingly enough managed to convince everyone to come with, even Uriel. Moreover, Rachel had insisted on bringing her new boyfriend along. Dean would never dare to say it out loud, but he doubted they would still be together by next weekend. Rachel had a new boyfriend every other week, according to Cas, but they never lasted long.

A little more than two weeks had passed since Dean had visited Cas at home while he was ill. He had been home sick the rest of the week, forcing Dean to actually socialize with someone else in his classes. Especially Charlie had he grown to like quite a lot. They shared several other classes, too. He had also found out that they were in fact a lot alike. They had many of the same interests, although Charlie was open about them.

When Cas had finally come back to school, Dean had introduced him to Charlie, Kevin and Benny from their English class. Cas and Benny hadn't exactly hit it off, but he got well along with the two others. He even admitted having read about Kevin in the papers, because apparently the kid had gotten the best score on some national math test, or something. Dean had underestimated exactly how clever Kevin actually was. He was probably the brightest friend he'd ever had. Besides, he was always eager to help when Dean was stuck with some of his schoolwork, making his grades increase considerably.

Friday, the next day, Dean remained in the car after Sam got out, and gestured to a confused Cas to do the same.

"You are free tonight, right?" He asked as soon as Sam shut the door behind him, turning to the boy sitting next to him. He moved his hand to Cas’ knee and scratched absently at the rough fabric of his jeans, with his thumb nail.

Cas nodded. "Yeah, why?"

Dean shot him a surprised look, but Cas didn’t catch on. "I can't believe I'm the one who remembers", Dean sighed, rubbing his neck with the hand that wasn’t resting on Cas’ knee. "What has happened to the world?"

Cas tilted his head, looking completely oblivious. His blue eyes were wide.

"Oh come on", Dean exclaimed, but Cas just shrugged. Dean sighed again, before finally telling him. "Today we have been together for one month."

Realization washed over Cas’ face, but was soon replaced by a teasing smirk. "You've been counting?" He asked, tone matching his expression. He chuckled. "That's adorable."

The demanding life of a teenager [Destiel AU]Where stories live. Discover now