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Warning: drug use in this chapter.

This story is getting kinda depressive… But don't worry, I'll do something about that. In a little while *evil laughter*. Oh well, enjoy!

Some days it just feels like people in general are out to get you. If you told anyone, they would just laugh and call you paranoid, but you are certain people are trying their best to annoy you and make your day miserable.

For Dean it wasn’t all people, just his football team. From the very moment Mr. Davis blew his whistle, signalising that the practice had started, it felt like the whole team was trying to make him look bad. They didn’t talk to him. They didn’t pass him the ball. The few times he miraculously managed to fetch the ball anyway, someone tackled him before he had the chance to get rid of it, slamming his body roughly into the ground. He knew he wold get some serious bruises from the pounding.

Dean didn’t think he had ever in his life been as happy to hear the sound of a whistle as when it cut through the pitch after half an hour. The whistle was followed by Mr. Davis barking that they had precisely five minutes to get themselves hydrated and back out on the field.

Dean removed his helmet and tilted his head from side to side, hearing the oddly satisfying sound of his neck cracking from the motion.

“What the hell was that?” Benny exclaimed, approaching Dean who was lingering in the middle of the field. Thinking Benny was referring to him cracking his neck, Dean opened his mouth to defend himself before he finally realized he was talking about what had happened during the practice.

“So I’m not just imagining this? You noticed it too?”

“Of course I noticed. How could I not?” Benny responded, shaking his head. He and a handful others were the only onse who didn’t seem to be in on freezing Dean out. “I don’t know that those morons are doing, but just try and not care about them. I’m sure Davis is scolding them at this very moment.”

Benny gestured towards the bleachers, where they all kept their bottles of water during the practice, where Mr. Davis stood, surrounded by all the players.

Dean grinned. “I would not want to miss that”, he said. They put their helmets under their arms and jogged over to join the group. The moment they got within earshot, everyone suddenly turned dead quiet and turned towards them. All eyes were resting at Dean, several of them looking annoyed.

Dean met Mr. Davis’ gaze and raised an eyebrow in a silent question. What was going on? The coach just held his gaze steadily without saying a word.

"We doesn't need him, coach", Alistair said, surprising everyone by being the first one to speak since Dean and Benny arrived.

This made Mr. Davis break eye contact with Dean in favour of glaring at the other boy. "That is not the policy here, Alistair", he said briskly.

Dean remembered when he had heard Davis’ voice for the first time. It was before he had joined the team, just after the summer vacations. He had thought the voice perfect for a football coach, and he had certainly not changed his mind since then. Mr. Davis could be directly intimidating if he wanted to. At the moment, he wanted to.

"It's not just the fact that he is an undeniable bad player, and therefore nothing but a weak link on this team", Brady continued in a calm tone. He was a much better speaker than Alistair, who barely managed to keep a sneer from his voice as he spoke. "He's also gay, and I think you see how that’s uncomfortable. You know, in the locker rooms and in the showers."

Dean's face flushed red, but more from fury than from embarrassment. "What?” He hissed. Around him, he could hear the buzzing sound of people whispering, but he ignored them the best he could. “What the hell are you implying?"

The demanding life of a teenager [Destiel AU]Where stories live. Discover now