Quibble for lunch, anyone?

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Heyy! Again, thanks so much for reading and commenting and everything. I just love reading comments :3 And just one tiny thing on the subject of comments: A few times, some of you have asked in the end of a chapter if the story is over now, and that was the last chapter. Just so you know, it'll be obvious when the story is done, so you don't have to wonder. I'll literally write "This is it, the story is done" in the end, and then a bunch of crying emoticons (yes, I am being serious). Just fyi. Anyways:

Dean had obviously known that Cas had told Anna, Uriel and Rachel about what had happened between them - Rachel had already told him so. And he quickly discovered that Cas hadn't exactly sugarcoated Dean's actions when he told the story. It didn't exactly take Sherlock Holmes to deduce that from their behavior.

Dean had of course noticed they were mad at him for this - Rachel had told him that too - but he hadn't really understood just how angry they were with him. After all, he had barely talked to them them since before the incident.

Well, that was until Cas one day proposed that they should all eat their lunch together, like they used to. He seemed to think it was a good idea, since he and Dean were back together and everything. Besides, it had been so long since the last time they were all together.

At first, Dean hadn't thought the lunch would be that bad. Maybe a little awkward, but nothing more than that. Cas had forgiven him, after all, so the others would probably stop being angry with him too now, right?

As it turned out, he was wrong. He tried (and failed) not to dwell on how often that seemed to happen these days (it was really not helping him build up his self-esteem, which was already currently at a dangerously low level). It didn't take him long to realize that they were still pretty pissed at him: It was somewhere around the third time he opened his mouth to speak, and was completely ignored by everyone besides Cas (who to be honest, didn't pay much attention either, as he seemed more interested in his food than his lunch-companions).

Every time Dean spoke, Rachel would scowl at him until he slowly lowered his voice, and then finally shut up again. Anna and Uriel weren't as hostile as Rachel, but they were obviously still a little pissed at him on Cas' behalf, and therefore not very welcoming towards Dean. Cas was ironically as friendly as ever, and still didn't appear to have any hard feelings towards Dean whatsoever. Nevertheless, neither of the other three seemed to notice this for some reason, so they continued to punish Dean in silence.

Therefore, it didn't take long before Dean gave up trying to participate in the conversation, and just sat and listened instead, making time pass the same way as Cas currently did: eating. It wasn't all that bad really.

They were sitting around one of the circular tables inside the school's cantine, Cas across from Dean, on the other side of the table.

Usually, they sat outside during lunch, for several reasons.

Reason one: It was nice to get some fresh air, in contrast to the heavy air inside the classrooms.

Reason two: Rachel wanted to get as much sun as possible.

Reason three: The chairs outside were a lot more comfortable than the ones inside.

And besides, for some strange reason the school allowed them to bring their lunch trays with them outside. Exactly why was beyond Dean, since students constantly managed to lose the trays so that the school had to buy new ones.

But today, the rain was pouring down, so sitting outside wasn't really an option. For this reason, the cantine was packed with students, the tables overfilled. Dean could see several people sitting in each others lap, because of the lack of chairs. The mixture of wet shoes squeaking against the floors, and people talking loudly made it hard to hear what Rachel was saying as she spoke. Dean was only halfway paying attention to her story, but he had picked up that she was talking about her breakup with Bart.

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