I feel fine!

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A narrow strip of sunlight came through the small crack between the curtains and the windowsill, shining straight into Dean's face. Groaning, he turned around to escape the bright, blending light. He rubbed his back, which hurt from the thin matrass he'd been sleeping on that night. Then he remembered that the reason why he was sleeping on the floor was that Cas was currently occupying his bed.

Dean rubbed his eyes, trying to wake up properly. Ignoring his protesting back, he sat up at the matrass and glanced over at the sleeping figure lying just a couple of feet away from him. Dean had to smile to himself. Cas looked so peaceful where he lied on his back, face expressionless and chest heaving slowly as on every sleeping person. Occasionally, Dean could even hear him mumble something incomprehensible in his sleep. He looked not at all like the heartbroken boy Dean had witnessed the night before.

Anger welted up in Dean when he thought about what he had been told when they sat on the bench. Cas had been right. It would have been hard for him not tracking that son of a bitch down if he had gotten his name.

After having pulled on some clothes, Dean opened the door leading to the staircase quietly and headed upstairs. He walked into the kitchen where he found Sam sitting at the table, with his nose stuck down in some book. He looked up when he noticed his brother approaching.

"Dean?" Sam asked with false astonishment, looking at the clock hanging on the wall behind him. "What are you doing out of bed? It's not noon yet!"

"Yeah yeah, you're hilarious", Dean said. Looking around in the room, he noticed a newspaper lying on the table and a used coffee mug standing in the sink. "Is Dad here?"

"No, he's left for God knows where", Sam growled. He had always had considerably less patience with their father, than his older brother. Occasionally, John would just disappear, and sometimes not come back for days. Dean had grown used to it. Sam, on the other hand, just wouldn’t accept it. He pointed out how John would have been furious if any of his sons would have done something like that, and no matter how hard Dean tried to defend their father, Sam wouldn’t budge.

Nevertheless, Dean was pleased with the answer and turned the stove on before he went over to the fridge and pulled out some eggs.

"I'm making scrambled eggs", he informed Sam. "Would you like some?"

"I would love some", Sam exclaimed, clapping his hands together in excitement. Dean chuckled. He couldn't remember Sam ever having turned down an offer of scrambled eggs. It seemed like the boy loved the dish almost as much as Dean loved pie. Almost.

Dean quickly wisped together the few ingredients in a bowl and pored it into a frying pan. Then he got beans and a bread out from a drawer and cut some thin slices of the latter. Since John was away so often, Dean usually had to cook for his brother and himself. Therefore, he knew his way around in the kitchen.

"Could you take over for a second?" He asked Sam, gesturing towards the frying pan and the box with beans. He wasn’t sure whenever or not he trusted Sam with food. The kid had always been a terrible cook. According to their father, Sam had inherited his skills in cooking, whilst Dean had gotten their mum’s. Nevertheless, Dean wanted to go down to check on Cas.


As Sam took over the cooking Dean headed downstairs again. Cas hadn't moved an inch. Dean stood and watch him for a while, before he thought of how creepy he would have found it if someone had watched him like that. Therefore, he walked over to the sleeping boy and softly nudged his shoulder. He was warm despite the room being quite chilly.

"Hey, you want breakfast?" He asked as Cas opened his eyes drowsy.

Cas tried to answer him, but his respond drowned in a yawn. Slowly, he sat up and stretched his arms above his head. Dean had to laugh at his bed-head, hair sticking out in all directions. Cas glanced at him with an offended look, and ran his hand through his hair to tame it.

The demanding life of a teenager [Destiel AU]Where stories live. Discover now