The cabin

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Dean was sitting in the back seat of Anna’s car, staring grumpily out of the window at the compact forest on the side of the road. The trees had shed all their leaved, and looked naked and spooky without them. It was Friday, and they were on their way to Anna’s cabin. John had to use the Impala that weekend, making Dean and Cas ride with Anna. This wouldn’t be that bad, if Cas hadn’t called shotgun, leaving Dean all alone in the back.

Uriel, Rachel and her boyfriend rode in the other car. Dean had gotten a call from them about 10 minutes ago, telling him that they had already arrived. According to Anna, they would be there any minute now.

During the ride, Cas had told them he was barely allowed to come with, by his parents. They meant it was reckless to let six teenagers alone in a cabin, a long way from any civilisation for an entire weekend. Dean tried to point out to him that it was just a matter of months before he legally became an adult, but Cas just shook his head and said that he should try and convince his parents of that, instead.

Dean leaned forward and put his head between the two seats in front of him when the woods in front of them opened up more, and revealed a yard where there was built a cabin. It was wide and made of logs, with only one floor. A wooden bench was placed in front of the building, currently occupied by Uriel. He was wearing a bubble jacked, and had his hands in his pockets. He rose and approached them as they got out of the car, making a salute. The ground was covered by gravel which creaked underneath his shoes as he walked.

"Where's Rachel and...?" Anna started, before making a thinking sound, clearly not remembering the name of Rachel’s boyfriend. She shut the car door and stepped forwards, rubbing her hands together. It was windy, making it easy to get cold if you didn’t wear enough clothes.

"Bartholomew", Uriel supplied. He jabbed a thumb over his shoulder, towards the cabin behind him. "Inside."

They fetched their bags and walked into the cabin. It looked almost exactly as Dean had pictured. There was even a rug hanging on one of the walls. Dean hung his jacket at a coat stand nearby, and regretted it immediately. The cabin was so cold they breathed smoke, but according to Anna they just had to light the fireplace and turn on some ovens, and it would be hot there in no time.

“Bart was a boy scout”, Rachel informed, petting her boyfriend’s chest, whom at the moment had an arm around her middle.

Anna lighted up. “Could you light the fireplace then? I suck at it.”

Bartholomew nodded and gave Rachel a quick kiss before darting into the living room where Anna quickly told him the fireplace was placed.

“He’s cute”, Dean could hear Anna whisper to Rachel, who giggled. Then they turned back to the others.

“We have five bedrooms”, Anna said, gaze darting across her friends. “Rachel and Bart would like to share a room, so if everyone else want their own, there’s enough.” Her eyes rested on Cas and Dean. She raised an eyebrow at them and they exchanged a look. Cas shrugged.

“We can share”, Dean said and Uriel whistled.

Anna grinned. “Very well.” She pointed at a door in the beginning of a hall behind them. “There’s a king sized bed in that room.”

Dean thanked her and they carried their bags into the room. Behind them, Dean could see the rest doing the same. He put his bag in the middle of the room and straightened himself up, his fingers stiff from the carrying. The room was one of ordinary size, with a wardrobe next to the door, and a bed in the other side of the room. There were nightstands on either side of the bed, and above it, there was a window with white lace curtains. Dean had to smile at a picture of a cat hanging on the wall with the typing ‘Avoid getting grumpy in the morning: sleep until dinner’ on it.

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