Sorry for party rocking

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"Hello boys."

Dean and Cas turned around to see Crowley standing behind them. It was Friday, and they were standing outside the English classroom where their lesson was starting in 10 minutes, talking. The last days Cas had rode in the Impala with Dean and Sam both to and from school, and his cuts and bruises had eventually started fading. Dean was delighted for finally becoming friends with this boy. Uriel and Anna were still nice, and even Rachel was starting to warm up to him. In a couple of weeks, she might even start talking to him.

The boys hadn’t heard anything from Crowley since Monday, and Dean had hoped the boy had just forgotten the previous incident and wouldn’t bother them anymore. Unfortunately, there was no such luck.

"What do you want, Crowley?" Dean demanded, crossing his arms over his chest, defensively. 

"Do I need an excuse to talk to my friends?" Crowley asked innocently.

"We're not your friends", Cas snapped, stepping forwards. Dean reached out to grab his arm, holding him back.

"Really? Oh, now you hurt my feelings." Crowley laid a hand over his heart.

"What do you want?" Dean repeated, stepping closer. He was taller and stronger than Crowley, yet the other boy didn't back of.

"Very well", Crowley sighed. "I wanted to warn you."

"Warn us?"

"Yes, warn you. About me not being very fond of you at the moment. Actually, I kind of hate you now."

"Well, that escalated quickly", Dean mumbled, making Cas snort.

Crowley narrowed his eyes. "You'll regret it if you go to Abaddon's party."

"This is about Abaddon's party?" Dean was baffled. "Why don't you want us there?"

"Because I don’t want anyone to show up at her party."

"Whoa, really mature", Dean said.

"She humiliated me", Crowley went on, "and I want her to pay."

Neither Dean nor Cas had noticed Abaddon's conversation with Crowley in the cantina when she 'ditched' him the other day, but clearly it had had an effect on Crowley.

"Well, I'm not really sorry she humiliated you, and I don't care about your warning. So what if we go to the party? What are you supposed to do?" Dean asked. He was starting to get tired of this pointless conversation.

Crowley gazed at Cas and smirked. "You'll see."

With those words he turned on his heel and walked away.

Dean turned to Cas as soon as Crowley was out of earshot. "Do you know what he meant?"

Cas' face was pale, but he just shook his head.

Dean shrugged. "Don't worry about it, buddy, I'm sure it's nothing." Cas nodded. "I'll pick you up at 7 tonight, ok? For the party."

Cas smiled faintly. "Yeah, 7's good."


When Dean and Cas arrived, Abaddon's place was already packed with people.

"I guess Crowley's master plan didn't work", Dean commented. The music was so loud he almost had to shout for Cas to hear him.

"Let's go somewhere we won't get deaf", Cas whispered in Dean's ear, and he nodded. He grabbed Cas' arm for not to lose him, and they made their way through the hordes of partying teenagers, towards the hall. In a corner of the room, there stood a table with bottles of beer stacked on top of it. Dean handed Cas one, and took another one himself. The music was still loud, but not as deafening as it was out in the living room.

The demanding life of a teenager [Destiel AU]Where stories live. Discover now