I'm just fitting in

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The following weeks went by in no time. Dean would hang out with Crowley and his friends at school, and sometimes even at his spare time. Dean didn’t like all of them, though. There were two girls named Meg and Abaddon whom he got along with the best. On the other hand, there was an ignorant guy called Alastair, whom Dean disliked strongly.

By the looks of it, Sam was also enjoying this new school. He would never shut up about some kids called Gabriel and Jessica. He'd even had them over at the Winchester's house a couple of times the last weeks. Sam never admitted it, but he clearly had a crush on Jessica.

Even though Dean had a great time hanging out with Crowley, some things still bothered him. He had barely talked to Cas since the boy's warning to stay away from his new friend. He had a feeling the two of them didn't get very well along. He'd wave at Cas when they saw each other in the hallways, but when Crowley noticed he'd always scowl at them. Dean didn't agree on Cas' opinion of Crowley, though. Sure, the boy could be a little aggressive sometimes. A few times some kids had bumped into him by accident, and Crowley had overreacted a little. Nevertheless, that didn’t mean he was trouble.

One Wednesday almost a month after Dean's first day, he sat at a table in the school’s cafeteria, eating lunch. As usual, Crowley, Meg, Azazel, Alastair and a couple of other kids, sat with him. They were gossiping about some people whom Dean didn't know, so after some minutes he zoned out. Instead, he gazed around, looking for Cas.

He often found himself doing that, even though he didn't know why. When he first found the kid, however, he would never go over and talked to him. He didn't think Crowley would like that. Furthermore, he had no idea what he would say to the boy. The last time they had talked, he'd just embarrassed himself. Usually he wasn't this cowardly. If he wanted to talk to someone, he just did. Yet, there was something about Castiel that he just couldn’t put his finger on. Something that was making him nervous.

After a while, Dean found Cas sitting at a table not far from his. He sat beside two kids Dean recognized from some of his classes. This puzzled him. Cas used to sit alone. In fact, this was the first time he had ever seen him talk to anyone but teachers. Dean knew he should be happy for the boy for finally making some friends, but instead he found himself jealous. He studied the kids sitting next to Cas. There was a girl whose hair was red, put up in a ponytail. The other kid was tall, with dark skin. Cas caught Dean looking at him, and smiled. Dean smiled back, shyly. 

When he turned his attention back to his own table, Dean became aware that Crowley had seen him smiling and followed his gaze. When he realized whom Dean was smiling at, he shook his head disapprovingly. He turned back to his friends, whose conversation had died out.

"Look which looser finally made some friends", he exclaimed and the others laughed. Dean felt sick.

"Whoa, I never thought that would happen", Alastair said, with false astonishment.

"Why?" Dean demanded. He disliked the others talking bad about Cas. "I think he seems nice."

"He's gay", Crowley responded, as if that explained everything.

"So what?" Dean really didn't like prejudiced people.

"So", Crowley continued, "if he is nice to you, it's probably just because he wants to get in your pants."

Dean was shocked. He looked around the table to find someone he would support him, but everyone just looked at him as he was the one who’d just said something bizarre. He shook his head in disbelief. It was as if they didn't even hear themselves.

After one last glance at Crowley, Dean got up and left, needing to get some air. After some seconds, he heard the footsteps of someone following him, but he didn’t care. He didn’t feel like talking to anyone right now. Crowley reached him, however, just as he was about to open the door that lead out to the schoolyard.

The demanding life of a teenager [Destiel AU]Where stories live. Discover now