Change is good

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"I just can't believe we lost. It's all Benny's fault. He can barely catch the ball!" Crowley sighed. He'd been talking about last night's football game for what seemed like an eternity. Dean looked forward to the end of these conversations. Sure, he played football, but he also enjoyed talking about other topics. His gaze fell at a red-haired girl called Abaddon, who sat beside him, and he made a face. She also seemed really tired of Crowley, and smiled at Dean. He had never really understood why the two of them were friends. They didn't even seem to like each other. 

As Crowley continued complaining, Dean glanced at Cas. He sat two tables away, ignoring him. There were still several cuts and bruises in his face. The sight made Dean feel guilty. He had tried talking to him once, before school, but Cas had just waved him off. This day the boy sat with the same two kids as before the weekend, plus one more girl. 

The entire weekend, Dean had tried to decide on how he would make it clear for both Cas and Crowley, that he was done hanging out with the latter. He'd never really managed to make up his mind, so he guessed he'd just have to improvise. Still with his gaze glued to Cas, he stood abruptly. This finally caught Cas’ attention, and he turned to look at him. So did Crowley and most of the other kids at the table. Now that Dean finally had all the attention he needed, he walked around the table, making his way towards Cas. When he passed Crowley, he intentionally bumped into him, causing the boy to stand up, blocking his way.

"What are you doing?" Crowley demanded, narrowing his eyes.

"I want to sit with Cas", Dean replied. Cas was still watching him, and Dean purposely spoke loud enough for him to hear. 

"You what?" Crowley hissed.

"I'm getting tired of you," Dean continued, "so I would rather sit with Cas." He nodded towards the boy.

"Why would you want to sit with him?" Crowley asked.

"Like I told you last week, I think he seems nice. While you're just a big mountain of dicks."

Dean could see a smile growing on Cas' lips.

"So, excuse me." He pushed Crowley aside, and walked the rest of the way over to Cas, pleased with himself. He stopped a couple of feet away from where the brown-haired boy sat, still watching him. He didn't at all look angry anymore.

"Now that I'm no longer friends with Crowley," Dean said, "do you think you could forgive me?"

"Of course," Cas grinned, making space at the bench, and Dean sat down beside him. He tore his gaze away from Cas, noticing how every eye on the table was focused on him. He shifted nervously in his seat.

"Dean, this is Uriel, Anna and Rachel", Cas said, nodding towards each of them as he said their names. He seemed aware of Dean being uncomfortable, and tried to make him feel more welcome.

"Uriel, Anna and Rachel, this is Dean." Uriel and Anna were the kids Dean had seen Cas sitting with before. Rachel was the new girl. She had blond, wavy hair and looked disapprovingly at Dean.

"Hi, Dean", Anna said smiling, "it's nice to meet you."

Uriel just nodded.

"Yeah, you too", Dean said. Both Uriel and Anna seemed friendly enough. 

"Where did you move here from?" Uriel asked, politely trying to maintain a conversation.

"Why do you care?" Rachel snorted. 

"What do you mean?" Anna asked.

"I mean, have you guys even seen Cas' face today? That's all thanks to Dean."

The demanding life of a teenager [Destiel AU]Where stories live. Discover now