Merry pre-X-mas

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Christmas is supposed to be a magical time, right? It’s the time of year when you can eat good food, listen to nice songs and when people are supposed to be extra polite. The time of year when you can go outside and enjoy the snow, before going back inside to eat gingerbreads fresh from the oven, and drink cocoa with cream.

Well, perhaps it is in fact like that for some people. That is, people who are under 5 years old and go to kinder garden. For the ones in high school, on the other hand, Christmas means having trouble finding fitting gifts for all your friends, and lots of tests. Like lots of tests. Suddenly every single teacher finds out that they would like to put one more grade on you, causing there to be several tests a day for a while. Yeah, you can just feel the Christmas spirit.

Dean Winchester peered down at his history textbook once more. His head physical hurt.

1789. 1789. The French Revolution started in 1789 because of the attack on the Bastille. He scribbled it quickly down in his notebook. He let out an exhausted sigh and rubbed his eyes with his palms. When he looked back down at the notebook again, he almost couldn't read what he had written. He remembered when he was a kid and had just started going to school. Every teacher he had would point out how he should get rid of his messy handwriting, since it was so hard to read. He had just waved them away, and as he got older they had stopped nagging him.

Dean groaned and leaned back in his chair. He had a big history test the next day, and as usual, he started studying for it the night before. The clock had just passed 11 PM, and he wanted nothing more than to just go to bed. He was sitting at the living room table, books and notes all over the place. Sam and John had already went to bed, the latter, to Dean’s big surprise, telling him not to stay up too long. Dean ran his hand through his hair in frustration for the hundredth time that night.

A short melody snapped his attention away from the French Revolution. He picked his phone up from his pocket, display revealing one new text. He frowned. He'd thought all his friends would be busy studying too. Well, except for Uriel, but he'd lost his phone anyway, so it couldn’t be him whom was texting Dean. Somehow, he had managed to drop it out of the window of a car. Dean didn't know anyone else capable of that.

Dean unlocked his phone and opened the text. He couldn't help a stupid smile from spreading across his face when he saw it was from Cas.

Have you started studying yet, or are you waiting to after midnight? Dean read. He chuckled. His friends all knew about his habit of waiting with studying until the last minute.

I'll start in the lunch break tomorrow, he typed. He looked out of the window at the dark sky, swarming with stars, and caught his own reflection in the glass. He looked terrible. His hair was sticking out in every possible direction and his eyes had bags under them. There were even several blue lines in his face, from leaning on a hand he'd forgotten was holding a pen. He tried to rub them off.

The answer came quickly. You know, I don't even know if you're joking or not. If not: you're an idiot. Dean rolled his eyes, and again, he just had to smile.

Relax. Joking.


Dean was trying to think of something to type, when he got a new text. I'm going to bed. Good night

He sighed, before typing: Sleep tight. He put his phone down at the table. It was weird. He'd dated Cas for almost two months now, yet he still got stuck when they were texting, finding it hard to know what to write. He knew Cas wouldn't thing he was lame even if he wrote something stupid, but he got nervous anyway. 

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