Grown up

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"I just can't believe you're already eighteen years old. You're legitimately grown up now. An adult. I remember the time when you were only seventeen. Feels like it was yesterday. How time flies." Charlie sniffed to add a little dramatic effect, and wiped away an invisible tear from her cheek.

Dean grinned and patted her shoulder. "Don't go get all sentimental on me, Charlie. You'll follow me into adulthood before you know it."

Kevin scoffed. "Yeah, in half a year or so", he said, as always with most of his attention still turned towards the teacher. It was obvious she had given up on them a long time ago. Dean didn’t even get why paying attention in English class was that important, he knew perfectly well how to write, but Kevin didn’t seem to share his opinion. At all.

"Oh, look who's talking, Mister I-Was-Born-in-November", Charlie said, folding her arms.

"It's like listening to two ants argue which one is bigger”, Dean marvelled and tilted back on his chair, grabbing his desk to regain balance as he almost fell backwards. “You are both children to me."

Charlie cocked an orange eyebrow at him. "Ants? Really Dean?"

Dean shrugged.

"So, you gonna go to the party tonight?" Charlie asked.

Dean managed to resist an impulse to roll his eyes. He knew Charlie disliked it. It wasn't actually a party, more like a little get-together with their friends. Dean had managed to convince Anna that he really should get a say in the matter and that he didn't want a party.

"It's my birthday party. I kinda have to go, don't I?"

"Touché. Though it is in fact at Anna's house."

Anna’s parents were weirdly okay with her daughter having guests over all the time. They were the kind of parents who went out for the evening, if she just asked. When they occasionally was at home while Anna had friends over, they were always very nice, and fed their guests with all sorts of sweets they happened to have too much of. Therefore, Anna’s house was often the ideal place to hang out.

"That's true", Dean said, forgetting to keep his voice down.

The teacher shot him a murderous glare, but before she had time to scold him for talking during her lesson, the bell rang and he was already on his feet, shoving his text book into his bag.

“See you guys tonight”, he called. He threw his bag over his shoulder and started walking out of the classroom.

“Yeah! And Dean?”

He turned around in the doorway and saw Charlie grin at him from the other side of the classroom. He sensed mischief.

“Happy birthday!” She exclaimed, throwing up her arms.

Shit! Dean threw himself around and darted out of there, as all the other heads in the room shot up. He could hear the voices calling after him, all wishing him a happy birthday.


Everyone was already there when Dean arrived, only half an hour late. They were getting used to him being late, so nobody seemed practically surprised.

“Finally”, Kevin exclaimed when Dean came into the living room. “It was starting to get hard to keep Uriel away from the pizza.”

Uriel gave Dean an innocent look.

“Sorry”, Dean mumbled. As soon as he dropped down on the couch and pizza box was held in front of his face.

“The birthday boy should start”, Anna announced, shaking the box under Dean’s nose. It was already missing a slice, so he guessed the others hadn’t succeeded completely in keeping Uriel away from the pizza after all. “Help yourself.”

The demanding life of a teenager [Destiel AU]Where stories live. Discover now