Ninety percent sugar

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When Dean woke up the next morning, he was confused for a moment. Granted, he was drowsy, but he was positive he hadn’t dreamt about Cas staying over. Yet there was no one lying beside Dean, and when he looked around the room, the other boy wasn’t anywhere to be seen.

With his knuckles, Dean rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, and sat up in the bed. Finally, he spotted a dark mop of messy hair, behind the edge of the bed. Dean dragged himself over there and leaned over the edge, resting his chin on Cas’ shoulder.

“Good morning, Dean”, Cas said, not bothering to turn around, or even look up at Dean. He was sitting on the floor, leaning his back against the bed, reading.

Seriously. Reading.

Dean glanced over at the alarm clock at his nightstand to check the time. “Cas, it’s nine AM.”

“I know.”

Dean waited for him to continue, but it never happened. “How long have you been up?”

Cas hummed as if he were thinking and Dean could feel it rumbling through his body. Cas tilted his head sideways, leaning it against Dean’s. “About an hour and a half.”

Dean frowned. “What is wrong with you?” He mused. “It’s a weekend. And why are you sitting on the floor?”

Cas shrugged with the shoulder that wasn’t currently occupied by Dean’s head. “The sun hadn’t risen yet when I started reading so I had to use my phone as a torch, and I didn’t want to wake you with the light.”

Dean went quiet, and just watched Cas sideways as he continued reading. He grew bored after some minutes and flicked the back of Cas’ head. “Let’s go make breakfast. I’m starving.”

Cas nodded and held up a finger. “I just have to finish the page.”

Dean rolled his eyes, but waited patiently, entertaining himself by running a hand through Cas’ hair. When Cas finally finished his page they got dressed and went upstairs to eat breakfast.

Cas leaned back against the kitchen counter as Dean turned on the coffee maker and the kettle. To his own surprise, he had found it in him to really enjoy this routine. Just waking right next to Cas. Then go upstairs and make breakfast, tea, and coffee. It was nice.

“You looks like you’re still half asleep”, Cas commented when Dean dropped one of the mugs he was collecting from the cupboard into the sink. Luckily it didn’t break.

As to prove his boyfriend’s point, Dean yawned attractively. “I haven’t had my super-wake-up-drink yet”, he explained.

“You mean nasty-coffee-with-way-too-much-sugar?”

“Let’s not have this argument again.”

Cas shrugged. He fingered with the frayed sleeve of the hoodie he was wearing, plucking at a loose thread. “Probably a good idea. So, how’s your second day of being eighteen?”

Dean scoffed. The coffee was done, so he poured himself a cup and handed Cas another mug. He caught it, abandoning the entertaining sleeve of his hoodie, and started making his tea. Dean thought the mix of water, milk, honey and the teabag looked like dishwater.

“Just like the first one”, Dean answered, stirring his mix of coffee of sugar with a spoon. He narrowed his eyes in suspicion. “Please tell me you’re not going to ask me that every day.”

Cas chuckled. “Very well.” He put down the cup and walked over to Dean, smiling wickedly at him. Before he had time to react, Dean was pinned against the kitchen counter. He let go of his own cup, moving his hands to Cas’ hips instead, his fingers digging into the soft fabric of his hoodie.

The demanding life of a teenager [Destiel AU]Where stories live. Discover now