Trick or treat?

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Dean speeded up as the thunder above him seemed to be coming closer. The clouds were dark, threatening to start leaking at any moment. All around him, pumpkins decorated the fences and the gardens within them. From time to another, Dean could even glimpse some dolls. He shuddered by the sight of a creepy-looking scarecrow in a garden he passed, standing beside a couple of apple trees.

Orange, red and yellow leaves flew everywhere when Dean kicked a pile someone had raked together. It was Halloween, and the trees started to run out of leaves, causing them to cover most of the ground.

Glancing at his watch, Dean cursed. He had already been running late, when Sam had pulled him aside and asked for advice with Jess again. Apparently, they were going to a party together tonight. Couldn't that kid do anything by himself? Sometimes Dean felt that he was the one in a relationship with Jess. He quickly shrugged away that slightly paedophilic thought.


Dean looked up from his mission to kick away every leaf which dared lie in his path, and saw a couple of boys standing in front of him. He raised an eyebrow as he noticed their costumes. It was Ed and Harry from his math class, seemingly dressed as the Ghostbusters.

"Who you gonna call?" Dean exclaimed, receiving an exasperated moan from the two boys.

"We're not the Ghostbusters", Harry protested.

"We're the Ghostfacers", Ed explained. 

The what? Dean just stood there, staring blankly at them.

"Ghost! Ghostfacers! We face the ghosts when others will not, we're- Ghost, Ghostfacers! Stay in the kitchen when the kitchen gets hot!" They sang in unison.

"Okay", Dean mumbled and continued walking towards Anna's house. He took a long circle around Ed and Harry as he passed them. Behind him, Dean could barely make out their conversation.

"He's just jealous."


Then they began singing again.

The rain started falling just as Dean walked up the stairs to Anna’s front porch. There were carved pumpkins all over her garden, and beside the front door stood a couple of broomsticks. Dean couldn’t help but smile as he knocked on the door. Of course Anna would decorate her house thoroughly.

Dean had just lowered his hand when the door flew up. At the threshold stood an angel with a big smile plastered on her face. Anna was wearing a white dress, which ended just above her knees and her red hair was curly. She had angel wings on her back and above her head was a white halo attached to a steel stick, sticking up from behind her head.

"Dean!" She exclaimed, ushering him inside. "I almost thought you had changed your mind about coming."

"I wouldn't do that", he protested. He pulled off his jacked and laid it on the top of an already big pile of jackets in the floor, before following Anna into her living room. Dean had been at Anna's several time, but now he could barely recognize the house. The living room was dark, lit only by a few dim lights. There were spider webs everywhere, with small plastic spiders here and there. Scary masks and dolls were lying in the windowsills and at the tables. Someone had also decorated with green slime several places.

Dean tore his attention away from the amazingly decorated room, as Cas came walking towards him. He was dressed as a zombie, with his clothes were frayed and torn, and he had spilled a little fake blood here and there. By the couch stood Uriel and Rachel talking. Uriel shot him a looked and sneered to show off his fangs. Dean could also see he was wearing red contacts. Rachel had her back to him, but he could see she was supposed to be a pirate, with her hat and striped t-shirt.

The demanding life of a teenager [Destiel AU]Where stories live. Discover now