Pie, Mario and soccer

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"Back in black, I hit the sack, I been too long, I'm glad to be back!"

Dean sang with for an embarrassingly long time, before becoming aware of the sudden music being his phone ringing. He had for the second time that weekend tried (and failed) to do his homework. He was always abnormally popular once he was trying to work.

Back in Black stopped playing once he hit the 'respond' button on his phone, after checking the caller ID. 

"Hello Anna. What's up?"

"Hi Dean", he heard her voice through the phone. They'd exchanged numbers a couple of days ago, and this was the first time she had called him. "Uriel, Castiel, Rachel and I are about to go get some lunch, and we were wondering if you would like to join us."

"Sure!" Dean replied without thinking. His homework completely forgotten. "Where do I meet you?"


"Hello Dean", he was greeted by Anna as he walked into the diner. She and the others were already sitting in a booth in the corner of the room. 

"Hey." He sat down at the empty spot next to Uriel, and smiled to Cas who was sitting in the seat opposite of his. He got a small smile on return.

"How was the visit to your grandparents?" Dean asked Uriel.

"It was okay", he shrugged, taking a sip from the Coke in front of him. "Kinda sad" he shot in after receiving a cold look from Anna. "How was the party? I bet Cas had lots of fun." He raised an eyebrow towards the boy.

"No, not really", Cas replied.

Anna rolled her eyes.

"Sarcasm", Uriel informed, pricking his temple.

"Oh", Cas uttered and blushed a little.

"I think Dean was the only one having fun", Anna said. "He slept with Lisa."

Uriel and Rachel's eyes widened.

"It wasn't really that fun", Dean mumbled. Uriel opened his mouth, probably to ask Dean about something from the night with Lisa. "Hey, waiter lady!" He called quickly to rescue himself from being bombed with questions. The waiter walked over to their booth.

"Could I get a Coke and a slice of apple pie, please?" He asked.

"Sure thing", she smiled, writing it down on her pad.

"So what was it like?" Uriel asked as soon as the waiter had left. Damn it. Well, it wasn't exactly the best plan in the world.

Dean shrugged, and drummed at the table with his nails.

"Come on!" Uriel pried. "You slept with Lisa. That's huge!"

"It wasn't anything special."

"Are you going to see her again?" Anna asked. Dean looked at Cas. He could remember the look on his face when he asked the exact same question the previous day. He looked uncomfortable now, but not nearly as much as back then.

"No", Dean replied, still with his eyes fixed at Cas, who was now returning his gaze. "I'm not interested in her."

"She's gonna be mad", Uriel commented.

Dean just nodded. He finally managed to tear his gaze away from Cas when the waiter returned with his Coke and pie some minutes later. Anna, Uriel and Rachel had been talking about some boy from their biology class. The two latter completely oblivious to the boys making eyes at each other.

"Thank you", Dean said as he received his order. He took a big bite of the pie. Delicious.

"I can see why it didn't work out with Lisa. It seems like you enjoy pie more than her", Rachel said, surprising Dean. This was probably the first time she had spoken to him without being rude at all.

The demanding life of a teenager [Destiel AU]Where stories live. Discover now