Karma's a bitch

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Wattpad has updated the writing page and it's really different and feels weird and it made it look like I'd accidentally published this part before it was finished making me freak out for a second and the font is all changed into Helvetica or whatever and I don't like iiiit ugh (I have a severe shortage of problems in my life so I'm very skilled at making big deal out of small ones, don't judge me).

And btw, just go ahead and tell me if there's any characters you want to appear more in this fic, or if there is anything else.

Alright then, I'm done rambling so here's the next chapter, enjoy !

When Dean got home from Cas' house he went straight to bed and fell instantly asleep with all his clothes still on, despite the early hour. He slept soundly through the whole night, too tired even to dream. 

The next morning, on the other hand, he felt like crap. He was still tired, but his tiredness was accompanied by a slight nausea and a pounding head. Needless to say, it didn't help matters to wake up by someone mercilessly tearing the bedroom door open and turning on the lights.

"Dean! We have guests! Guess who!"

"Jesus Christ, Sammy! Lower the damn volume on your vocal folds for the almighty love of God!" 

Dean rolled over to his side, his back to the door, and pressed his pillow over his ear. The maneuver worked to some extent, but even in this position the bright light cut straight through his eyelids, brutally stinging his eyes.

"You didn't guess", Sam whined, managing to sound like a bratty four-year-old. There was an increase in weight on the other side of Dean's bed as his younger brother sat down.

Removing the pillow gingerly in order to spare his poor innocent eyes, Dean squinted up at Sam over his shoulder. 

"I don't know", he grumbled, not in the mood for games. He didn't bother making an effort to keep that sullen edge off his voice as he spoke. "Just tell me."

Sam pursed his lips. "You're no fun", he pouted. Then his mood suddenly changed, as if someone had just clicked on the "happy-face-mode" on the Samsquatch emotion-control 2000, and he was beaming at Dean. "It's Ellen and Jo!"

Dean sat up. The abrupt movement made his head start banging even worse and he rubbed his forehead with his fingers. "Really?" He said through gritted teeth. Even though it wouldn't seem so due to his strained voice, he was happy for the news. It was just difficult to sound excited when his head felt like it was about to explode.

"Yup. They got Ash and Bobby to cover the shift at the roadhouse and came over here to visit. They're upstairs."

And sure enough, if Dean listened he could make out their voices from the upper floor, through the ceiling. For a moment he thought it strange they had decided to visit this early - he was still in bed for crying out loud - but when he checked the clock on his bedside table it said 9:34. Whoa. Okay. Not that early after all. It seemed he'd just been sleeping for over 15 hours. That's not strange at all. Just twice as long as he usually slept.

After slapping Sam's back not-so-softly as a "thanks for the news", Dean jumped out of bed and ran upstairs. He didn't bother to change out of last day's clothes. (In the old days people wore the same clothes for weeks at the time. It's only natural.)

"Good morning, Dean", Ellen welcomed him when he walked into the living room where they were all standing. Ellen's hair was messy, so he figured it must be windy outside. For some reason she looked unusually enthusiastic. "Still an early riser I see?"

Dean rolled his eyes and hugged her quickly and then Jo. "Good morning."

"How you been, Dean?"

Dean froze. 

The demanding life of a teenager [Destiel AU]Where stories live. Discover now