The second date

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Best headline ever...

As Dean walked across the school's parking lot, he almost changed his mind about the idea that had formed in his mind since the date last night. It had started growing a little cold during the nights, making it easy to catch a cold. Not that he usually got sick quickly. No, he had a pretty strong immune system, but he wouldn't want Cas to get sick either.

When Dean thought of Cas, his mind span back to the previous evening, and to how Cas had bursted out of his car. Dean had waited for some minutes, hoping Cas would maybe change his mind and come back outside, before he finally gave up and drove home. He just didn't get it. Had he done something wrong? He had thought back countless times to the minutes before Cas had left, without realizing his mistake. Cas had joked about Dean being scared when he'd brought up why he'd dumped his ex. Dean had just waved it away then, but truth was he was actually nervous. The rest of the evening he'd thought through his every move to make sure he wasn't being too forward.

"Hey! Dean!" He was pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of a familiar voice calling for him. He turned his head to the left and saw Anna waving at him. With her stood Uriel, Rachel and CasDean walked over to them, standing beside the latter, and greeted everyone quickly. He glanced discreetly at Cas from the corner of his eye. His hair was back to its normal messy self and he wore the same kind of scruffy outfit he usually wore. Dean couldn't help but feel a little flattered when he thought about Cas' appearances last night. So that was actually an exception. He'd dressed up just for Dean. 

That morning, Dean had recieved a text from Cas. It said that his father had to do something in town and would drive past the school anyway, and therefore Cas would just ride with him that day.

Dean noticed that suddenly everyone was silent. When he looked at Anna he realized she had asked him a question he hadn't heard.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?" He asked a bit embarrassed for not paying attention.

"I was wondering if you will come."

"You will have to rewind a little bit more", Dean admitted, scratching his neck. He had to start paying more attention when people were talking to him. He hated these situations.

Anna rolled her eyes. "Halloween. It's next weekend. Everyone is coming over to my place to watch a movie and stuff. Will you come too?"

Dean shot Cas a quick look, which he met and nodded as to confirm that he would be there, too.

"Yeah sure", Dean said. Sounded like a lot of fun, actually. He would never admit it, but he secretly preferred quiet movie nights to parties full of drinking minors.

"You'll have to wear a costume", Rachel shot in, rolling back on her heels.

"You have to", Uriel commanded as Dean opened his mouth to protest.

Cas chuckled. "Dean's too cool wear a costume", he said sarcastically, making Dean roll his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, whatever", he muttered. It wasn't that he hated wearing costumes. Rather the other way around. He already knew what to wear. What he was afraid of was that he would geek out, unable to hide the nerd inside of him.

"What are you going to wear", Dean heard Rachel ask Anna, who started explaining her outfit in detail. Dean turned to Cas and touched his shoulder lightly, getting his attention. His big, blue eyes looked questioning up at him.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Dean asked quietly.

Cas hesitated for a moment, not at all causing Dean to become a nervous wreck, before finally nodding.

The demanding life of a teenager [Destiel AU]Where stories live. Discover now