We need to talk

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Dean followed Cas' movements with his eyes as the boy fetched books out of his locker. He was standing with his back towards Dean, leaning against the locker door as he tried to decide on which books to get, oblivious to Dean watching him.

The sharp edge of his shoulder blade stood out through the thin fabric of his blue long-sleeved t-shirt as he retrieved a couple of books from the locker. Then he drummed on the neighbour locker with his fingertips, still with his head halfway inside his own.

Dean knew he was being a creep, just standing there watching Cas' every move across the hall, with only occasional students passing ever blocking his view. This wasn't the first time either. The fact that he had decided to talk to Cas didn't mean he had the guts to do it. On the contrary. Instead, he kept following him around with his eyes, constantly trying - and failing - to convince himself to finally man up and talk to him.

It was the very likely scenario of Cas wanting absolutely nothing to do with him that held him back. You could compare the situation to the Schrödinger's cat experiment: While Dean had still not talked to Cas, the universe hadn't yet decided whether he'd get rejected. Hence, he still had a chance. But the moment they'd had the conversation, it was all set. Considering the likelihood of rejection, Dean wanted to live for as long as possible in a world where the outcome wasn't yet absolute.

Before he could change his mind, Dean strode across the hall. Postponing wouldn't make any difference - besides turning him into an even more nervous wreck. It would be better to just get the whole confrontation over with.

Dean stopped a few steps behind Cas. He opened his mouth, and in lack of anything to say, he cleared his throat. Cas didn't react, apparently unaware that he was the one addressed by the throat-clearing.

"Hey Cas", said Dean after a few seconds. This got a more visible reaction. Cas whipped around, his blue eyes wild. "I need to talk to you."

Cas raised his chin and did nothing to hide his contempt as he said, "I have nothing to say to you Dean." His voice was cold as ice, making chills run down Dean's spine. It seemed wrong to hear a voice usually so happy and warm talk like this.

"But I have something to say to you", Dean argued lamely.

"That doesn't mean I want to listen."

"Please. Just listen to me for one second", Dean begged. In some kind of reflex, he had raised a hand to touch Cas' arm. That was a dumb move. The boy flinched away from him, holding his palms up in front of himself to keep Dean from moving any closer to him.

"Get away from me, Dean, or I will scream. I swear to God."

His dark expression and insistent voice made Dean step back instantly. 

"Yeah. Okay. I'm sorry", he blabbered. He opened his mouth again, to say something more, before he thought better of it and walked away.

Idiot. He wanted to hit himself in the face. Why would he try to touch someone whom was so clearly repelled by him? In what universe did that make sense? He should have started with apologizing. Not insisting on talking to Cas even though Cas straight out told him he didn't want to talk.

He'd blown it. Dean realized that. Now Cas would just get even more irritated at him if he approached him any more times.

Nevertheless, he just had to try one more time. He couldn't let it end like that. So that was what he told himself. He would try one last time. If Cas still didn't gave him a chance after that, that was it. Done. The end. Finito. It was only weeks left of school, and after that there was a chance they would never see each other again. Cas would never have to be bothered by him ever again.

The demanding life of a teenager [Destiel AU]Where stories live. Discover now