Home, sweet home

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It was almost 11 AM when finally got home, relieved after his conversation with Cas. He had been completely honest with him. Lisa wasn't that interesting. Dean almost regretted spending the previous night with her, when he could have hung out with Cas instead.

Dean hurried down the staircase to his room as soon as he got inside. Then he changed to his pyjamas, hoping nobody had noticed that he didn't come home the previous evening. He headed upstairs again after making sure he had a bed head, and that his pyjamas were wrinkly enough that it looked like he just got out of bed.

"Morning Dad", he yawned as he walked into the kitchen where John was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in one hand, newspaper in the other.

"Good morning Dean", John responded, barely lifting his eyes. "Were you home late last night?"

"About 2 AM maybe", Dean lied. This was far from the first time he had pretended he didn't spend the night somewhere. Besides, he was a good liar and therefore he had never been busted.

John nodded, seemingly convinced. "You went to the party with some new friends of yours, right?"


"You should make them come over sometime", John continued. "I would like to meet them."

"Sure", Dean said a little puzzled. John rarely bother meeting his son’s friends. He must be in a very good mood this morning.

"Dad? Do you think we will stay here?” Dean asked, carefully picking his words. “Please, be honest with me. I wouldn't want to bond too much with people if I knew we were just gonna leave soon anyway."

There were some seconds of silence before John answered. "Yes, I'm pretty sure we’ll stay."

Dean beamed at him. "Really? That’s great!"

"What's great?" Sam asked as he walked into the kitchen. He was sweaty and wearing training clothes. Some weeks ago, he'd decided to go jogging every day. Dean was surprised to see that he still managed to keep his vow. Jogging was one of the most boring things he knew of.

"We're staying", Dean announced, wavering his arms.

A huge smile was growing on Sam's face.

"Most likely", John put in, but that didn't seem to effect Sam's mood.

"Finally", he exclaimed, sitting down next to John, who had turned his attention back to the newspaper, at the kitchen table. "Finally I don't have to leave all my friends again."

"Besides, I can continue looking forward to Gabriel having breakfast with us", Dean said with mock enthusiasm and clapped his hands together.

"That happened once!"


"But I've heard that movie is gross!"

"C'mon, don't be such a baby, Jess!"

Dean sighed. The one time he actually bothered doing his homework, Sam and his friends were making so much noise it was nearly impossible to concentrate. Because apparently they couldn't decide on a movie. 

"It's not that gross", Dean interrupted the ongoing argument between Jessica and a boy called Brady. 

"See?" Brady looked at Jess and stuck his tongue out.

"Very mature", she mumbled. 

"Then Saw it is", Sam said, putting in the DVD. "You want to watch too, Dean? It's plenty of space here."

Dean shrugged. Why not? He wasn't going to get his homework done, anyway. Not while someone was watching a movie only a few feet away.

He sat down in a leaning chair next to Gabriel who, no surprise, was eating candy. "Chocolate?" He offered, holding his plate out in front of Dean.

"Thanks." Dean accepted it, and took a bite. He glanced at the pile of candy on front of Gabriel. Seriously? He thought. We're just going to watch one movie, and this kid have brought a enough to feed a family for a week.

Dean peered over at Sam, noticing he and Jess were sitting quite close. He caught his brother's gaze and waggled his eyebrows. Even in the dark, he could see the boy blushing. Barely a week had gone by since Dean had given Sam advice on how to get Jessica interested in him, and seemingly, the boy had already started the mission. The first advice Dean had given him was to sit beside her while watching a scary movie. Check!

During the film, Dean glanced at Sam and Jess occasionally, and noticed how they had moved closer for every time. Am I the best big brother in the world, or am I the best big brother in the world, he thought proudly.

In the end of the movie, Sam even had his arm around Jess as she rested her head at his shoulder. Sam had looked disappointed as the movie ended, and his guests had to go home. Dean sat down at the table with his homework again, trying to finally get some work done, as Sam showed his guests out. 

Dean looked up as Sam sprinted back into the living room. The door had just closed behind his guests. 

"She kissed me!" Sam exclaimed. He ran over to the table Dean was sitting at and gave him a hug, yelling "Thank you!", before he returned to running around the living room. 

"You're welcome", Dean chuckled. He loved seeing Sam this happy. Dean couldn't remember his brother having ever been this obsessed with a girl.

"She kissed me!" Sam yelled again laughing. Then he stopped, suddenly serious.

"Dean", he said. "I have no idea what to do now. What do I do now?"

The demanding life of a teenager [Destiel AU]Where stories live. Discover now