Chapter (3)7, time for a wedding!

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First, I would just like to ask everyone to take a moment and look at the headline cuz that's the best timing of anything in my life so far.

Thank you for your attention. You may now carry on with the story.

Dean had never been to a wedding until Ellen and Bobby's. He had seen plenty of them on film and television, though, so already before he entered the church to attend the ceremony, he was sure he had a pretty good idea about what it was going to be like.

The wedding wasn't a far cry from the ones at television at all. Nevertheless, Dean decided quickly that he like real life weddings better. It was just something really special about witnessing two people you loved promise to stay together for the rest of their lives, that could just not be captured on screen.

The actual ceremony had been over surprisingly quickly. At least it was surprising to Dean. For some reason, he had expected it to last for a long time, but after just a couple of "I do"-s all the guests poured out of the church, each one as eager as the next to convey their congratulations to the happy couple. At least they seemed happy where they were standing and thanking everyone around them, seemingly unable to wipe the smile of their faces.

Almost as soon as they had exited the church, the guests were given directions to where the wedding reception was to be held, and they all streamed into their cars, parked in the space behind the church, to get there before all the good parking spots were taken.

After a brief argument about who was to ride shotgun (which Dean lost, since Sam was going to be the map-reader, therefore needed the "priority seat". Bullshit) John, Sam and Dean were on their way, and not much later, they parked - in a sweet-ass spot - in front of a beautiful mansion, surrounded by a neatly kept garden.

Dean could not have imagined a location more perfect for the reception. All around the enormous garden, there were maple trees with leaves the autumn had coloured in various shades of yellow, orange and red. Now many of them were covering the ground, like an idyllic rug.

Dean couldn't help but gape at the house, eyes scanning the whole place, trying to take it all in. He hadn't imagined this to be Ellen and Bobby's style, but man, he liked it.

"The invitation says that the reception is held in the ball room", John's voice sounded from behind Dean.

Dean turned around and found his father admiring the building as well. Next to him stood Sam, his nose buried in the piece of paper that was the invitation, reading through it for the millionth time.

"This place has a freaking ball room?"

Sam finally teared his eyes away from the invitation and arched an arrogant eyebrow at his brother. Then he swept an arm towards the building in front of him, saying, "Dude, look at this place. Can you really be surprised that there is a ball room in here?"

Dean huffed. He didn't like to admit it, but his baby brother did have a point. This place truly looked like it could have its own bowling alley. "Touché. Let's go, there might be appetizers in there, that we are missing out on."

They went inside the mansion through the massive column-surrounded entrance while Dean tried his best not to show how fascinated he was by it. After getting lost a few times they finally found someone they could follow, and ended up in the ballroom, which was already starting to fill up with well-dressed guests. People were mingling on the floor, only a few elders having sat down at some of the tables in the room.

Not long after they had arrived they had already been handed welcome drinks been surrounded by people appearing from all around, shaking Dean and Sam's hands and greeting them, all eager to find out who these unfamiliar boys were.

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