I'll just wait here, then...

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Hello people! First off, I just want to thank you all so much for still reading this story, and voting and commenting, too. It’s amazing. Secondly, I feel that I’m obligated to warn you that these next chapters might get a little sad. Not very much, mind you, just a little. Sorry about that. I planned the next chapters many months ago, and this is when the real plot is going to start, so the previous chapters have sort of built up to them. I’m really excited for you guys to read them. Enjoy!

They had their first fight in the beginnings of April.

When Dean thought back at it, it was actually kinda impressive. They had after all been together for almost six months, and still had no fights. Sure, they disagreed over minor things now and then, but who doesn't?

The argument began on a Sunday. Fittingly, it was a rather sunny day. The sun had been shining the last few days too, boiling the remains of the snow. Cas had been right about that part; the last big snowbanks was transformed into tiny white spots here and there in the ditches.

What annoyed Dean the most about their argument was how it actually wasn't of much import at all. In hindsight, he couldn't evoke why he had been so stubborn about it. But that's the thing about arguments though, isn't it? In the heat of the moment, you just want to win so damn bad that you don’t care if it’s really stupid indeed.

Dean had brought up the issue several times before, and they had discussed it briefly. It was only the first he received a clear "No" from Cas it turned into a fight.

They had been sitting in the couch in Dean's living room, just talking. Talking about school, about how Dean should start practise more football to claim that starter position and about Charlie's new girlfriend. She was a lovely girl named Dorothy and they seemed quite serious. Charlie had already introduced her to her parents, even though they had only been dating for a few weeks. Dean admired her for that. He thought it brave. Charlie had told him her parents had been really cool about it, and that they seemed quite fond of Dorothy. Dean was very happy for his friend.

That was when he had gotten the idea of bringing the issue up again. It seemed like an appropriate time, didn’t it?

"When do you think you are ready to finally introduce me to your family?"

Cas gave him a weird look and tilted his head sideways. He was sitting cross-legged on the couch, facing Dean, with one arm slung across the backrest. Rays of sunshine shone in through the big windows on the wall, lighting up the edges of Cas’ dark hair, giving him a halo. "What do you mean? I have introduced you to my whole family."

"I mean as your boyfriend", Dean explained calmly. He knew to tread carefully whilst discussing this very issue.

Cas shook his head, teeth worrying at his bottom lip, as they had a habit of doing when he was stressed. "I don't know."

Dean patiently waited for him to elaborate, but he never did. "Approximately?"

Cas shrugged. "I don't know. Not yet." His voice was stern and left no room for argument, as it never did when they discussed this. And Dean never pried.

But today Dean was impatient. This was probably the hundredth time he had asked, and Cas had always answered with "Not yet". He was getting sick of it these vague answers. He knew he deserved a concrete one.

"Cas, we have been together almost half a year", he said slowly. He felt like he was trying to avoid scaring off a frightened animal. "And you are eighteen, a legal adult. You can do whatever you want. Don't you think it's time soon?"

"Dean, just stop nagging me", Cas said grimly, an edge to his voice. His bright blue eyes were intense, holding Dean’s gaze steadily.

"Why can't you just give me a straight answer? How long?"

The demanding life of a teenager [Destiel AU]Where stories live. Discover now