Fuck up the Friendship

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Warning! Contains: Swearing, Ghosting, Love, Kissing, Pecks, Oogie-Trigger, Laughter, Crying, etc

Backstory: Katara & Aang have been best friends since birth, and they've kissed each other plenty of times. But then one day Katara decides to go out on a date with someone else. When he stands her up, Aang comes to the rescue, kind of wanting to fuck up their friendship.
(I low key wanna make this into a book-)

AU: Modern, No Bending,
Theme: 2021, modern, badass, cool, chill, etc.
Sound: "Fuck up the Friendship" by Leah Kate- on Spotify, YouTube, YouTube Music, Apple Music, etc


"Yo, did you see Ms. Rangi's face? She was laughing so hard!" Katara wheezed, her hand on her backpack strap as Aang rolled his eyes with a small smile. "Shut up, Tars. That was all your fault and you know it." She wheezed again as the two reached the cafeteria and placed their bags at their table, Sokka and Suki on the opposite side of them.

"So, Kat, I heard you got a date with Jet tonight," Suki smirked, taking a small bit out of her pasta. Katara rolled her eyes, then noticed Aang froze. Sokka noticed and frowned, then widened his eyes and started choking on his chicken. "SHE HAS A WHAT?!" Suki and Katara shared a look and then burst out laughing, their smiles contagious. But not to Aang, who was horrified.

"A date...?" he whispered, like he was scared of the idea. She smiled and nodded at him. Then she noticed his worry. "Hey, don't worry. I talked to Jet for a while. He's an amazing person, trust me!" Aang started shaking. "You can't go on a date with someone..." She raised her eyebrow. "Why's that, Aang?"

He snapped out of his trance and smiled at Katara. "Nothing. Sorry. Forget I said anything. What's Jet like?"

Katara and Suki spent the lunch period gushing about everything, and Aang found himself offering to help Katara to get ready. "No. Shit. You idiot. You don't even want her going. But you have to be a good sport for her, you know it. Shit I hate this." Katara took a look at Aang and then shook her head. "You got me falling for you... and I kinda want to...."

"Thank you so much, Aang, you don't know what this means to me." Sokka gave him a sympathetic look, like his dog just died, before grabbing his and Suki's lunch and throwing them in the trash. Aang just smiled and nodded. "Yeah, of course, Tara."

He watched as she gave him a small peck on the cheek, his stomach filling with butterflies, before taking both of their trashes out and placing them in the trash can. His eyes stayed on hers, his heart beating out of his chest. "I love her. Shit, she's going out with someone. Shit. Shit. Shit."

"Kat, are you actually going out with someone tonight?" Aang whispered, grabbing her hand as the two entered the hallway. She nodded and squeezed his hand. "Yeah, I am! Isn't it great?!" Aang just smiled and nodded, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "I'm so proud of you, love... uh, I have to go the bathroom. Get to class, I'll be right there."

Katara blinked twice before realizing he was talking to her. "love... I love him, don't I? But let's not pretend..." She held her breath as she watched him run into the bathroom, wondering why he was shaking. Then she realized she was shaking. She sat down against the wall and let out an uneasy breath.

"You can't go," she whispered to herself, "you can't. You know you love him and you know this friendship is fucked up. Why don't you fuck it up even more? Because you just broke his heart, you asshole."

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