
178 7 31

Warning! Contains: swearing, love, oogies, wtf do i put here someone help-

(heheheh ily kiwi<3)



Suki smiled as she shoved her shoulder into mine, 

nudging her head to the computer screen in front of us. 

Gmail was pulled up, 

her cursor was on the "create" button, 

and her lips were turned to a smirk. 

I raised my eyebrow, 

turning to face her, 

but when I looked at the computer again, 

her recipient was Aang. 

The man I've been friends with for years. 

The man I've been in love with 




I widened my eyes, 

my fingers crawling to her back, 

my nails stabbing her skin. 

"What the fuck are you doing." 

My voice was low, 

my eyes were alternating between the teacher and the computer, 

my feet shaking. 

I watched lightly as her fingers danced around the keyboard, 

her lips a small smile, 

her hair falling in front of her face, 

her nose bright red. 

"Ms. Tanaka, mask above your nose." 

I held back my laugh as she looked down, 

pulling the light blue cloth over her face, 

as I pulled mine down to take a sip of water, 

pulling it back up before Ms. Bartely could say something. 

She gave me a swift nod as I opened my Chromebook,

pretending to focus on the assignment she gave us. 


Suki's light voice came. 

I turned to my right, 

my eyes wide, 

my legs shaking. 


I whispered, 

"Suki, delete it now." 

She smirked. 

Dear Aang, 

Katara's in love with you a lot and we hope you love her too (;

xoxo, Suki

She smiled and rolled her eyes, 

moving the cursor to the delete button. 

but before I knew what was happening, 

a shrill ringing was heard in my ear. 

"Okay kids, 

line up. 

Single file," 

came Ms. Bently's voice, 

stern as rock, 

unlike her usually flowery tone. 

"Three feet apart, 

you know the drill."

Suki's eyes were wide as she grabbed my hand, 

pulling me to the back of the line, 

her hands shaking. 

"My finger slipped. I




My eyes widened, 

my heart racing, 

my body shaking, 

as the class started to leave the room. 

The ringing of the fire alarm blocking my ears, 

the wetness of my tears blurring my vision, 

the vibrating of my phone in my pocket, 

everything was 









My heart leapt,

Suki's body turned away from mine, 

my hands pulling up my hood to




"No talking during a fire drill, Mr. Ara," 

the principal scolded. 

My eyes widened, 

my heart stopped, 

my hands froze, 

and before I knew what was happening, 

I felt my arm being pulled. 



"Code 101 we have a student kidnapping-" 

"Would all you fuckers shut up so I can ask her out in peace? Jesus Christ-" 

All the teachers stopped talking and turned to us, 

as I looked at the floor, 

but was once again 




my mask being 




And that someone was 


"I love you too." 

And that someone's lips were on mine. 


hey loves<3

im super tired, just came from loosing a basketball game with a practically broken arm and quickly whipped this up (based on SOMEONE *cough cough* fruit *cough cough*) (they be living in a fic fr tho) 

anyways i hoped you were able to enjoy this, i really like writing in verse because sometimes when it's 2 am and i want to read, in verse is all im able to focus on, so its nice. 

love you all, sleep well if it's night, if not, have a nice day !

(590 words) (okay in verse also makes the chapters a lot shorter word-wise, but tbh its worth it to me)

Much love xx -Ema

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