Eye For An Eye

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Jamey Outfit

Jesse Outfit

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Jesse Outfit

Sebastian Outfit

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Sebastian Outfit

At McKinley In The Choir Room

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At McKinley In The Choir Room

Jesse and Sebastian tell everyone that Jamey will be having surgery for his eye. "In all my years as a teacher and a student, I have never known a slushie to do that kind of damage." Will said to the teens. "That's 'cause it wasn't a normal slushie, Mr. Shue. There was... stuff in it, rocks or something. He wanted to do that damage." Finn said to him making Sebastian and Jesse look at him. "Well, unless you have proof that he tampered with the slushie the police aren't interested in getting involved." Will said to him. "The brothers are evil and they need to be expelled." Kurt said to him. "Look, Figgins and I spoke to Dalton's headmaster. They're opening up an investigation. So, guys, I'm telling you, please let the system handle this one." Will said to them. "No. Dalton's old-school, Mr. Shue-- they're not gonna turn their backs on one of their own-- we need payback." Artie said to him. "An eye for an eye." Sam said to him. "No. I have a zero-tolerance policy for violence, of any kind. That's not how we do things." Will said to them. "No, we sing, and that's all we ever do. They need to pay for what they did to Jamey. He's your son." Artie said to him. " I know he is my son and I am so mad I want to kill the boys but I can't and do you want to get disqualified from Regionals?" Will asks him. "I don't give a damn about Regionals!" Artie yelled at him making everyone look at Artie. "What do you expect from us? We're people. I know the rest of the world may not see us like that, but when they tease us and throw stuff at us and toss us in Dumpsters and tell us that we're nothing but losers with stupid dreams, it freaking hurts. And we're supposed to turn the other cheek and be the bigger man by telling ourselves that those dreams and how hard we work make us better than them, but it gets pretty damn hard to feel that way when they always get to win." Artie said to him. "I get how upsetting this is for you." Will said to him. "No, you don't, and don't give me any of that "it gets better" crap because I'm not interested in it getting any better. I want it to be better, like, right now. I want to hurt them the way they hurt us. No, worse. I want them to feel my pain because frankly, that's all I have left to give." Artie said to him making Will walk closer to him. "Artie, take a break." Will said to him and Artie wheels out of the room.

At McKinley In The Hallways

Sebastian walks over to Artie who has a mad face on. "Hey, can I talk to you?" Sebastian asks making Artie look up at him. "I get that you are mad." Sebastian said while kneeling down to Artie. "Then why didn't you back me up?" Artie asks him. "Because I know that is not what my brother wants." Sebastian said to him making Artie look away from him. "Then what does he wants?" Artie asks him. "I don't know but fighting the Warblers will make things worst." Sebastian said to him making Artie look at him. "We will find something." Sebastian said to him making Artie nod while Sebastian was worried about what the Smythe brothers will do next. Will, they hurt his little sister too? Or will they go after Sam?

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