Valentine's Week

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Jamey's Outfit is his vest and a pair of pants.

Jesse Outfit

Sebastian Outfit

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Sebastian Outfit

At McKinley In The Choir Room

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At McKinley In The Choir Room

Everyone was getting in the mood for Valentine's Day, where Mike and Tina were taking pictures of each other while Sam was leading into Sebastian's chest showing him pictures of his family who send them to look at it. Finn was showing Quinn how to play the drums and they were having fun while Blaine was showing Jesse how to play the guitar, Jesse gets something right making Blaine smile at her. "Good." Blaine said to her while giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek making Jesse smile. Jesse looks over to Kurt who was by the piano looking sad. "I will be right back." Jesse said to Blaine and she hands him the guitar. Jesse stands up and walks to Kurt with Blaine watching as Artie wheels over to Blaine. Jesse sits down right to Kurt making him at her. "You okay?" Jesse asks him while putting her arms around Kurt. "I miss Jamey is all. I look around and I see the couples being with each other." Kurt said to her with a sad face making Jesse put her head on his shoulder as Will walks into the room. "Okay, everybody, let's hear it for love!" Will yelled making everyone cheer but Kurt while Will writes down 'World's Greatest Love Songs' on the whiteboard and he looks at the teens. "Your assignment for Valentine's week is to find and perform the world's greatest love songs. Now, Regionals is next week, and we still need to raise $250 for costumes and hair spray." Will said to them. "Oh, God, not another bake sale." Kurt said to himself. "If any student gives ten dollars, we will sing these "world's greatest love songs" to their Valentine. We will serenade each classroom..." Will said to them and the teens cut him off together. "No!" The club yelled at him. "Two years ago, we went room-to-room Christmas caroling, they threw food." Tina said to him. "And shoes." Sebastian said to him while Sugar rise her hand. "Yes, Sugar?" Will said to her. "Here's a spoonful of Sugar for you all: Don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff when you're rich." Sugar said while walking over to Will with the money. "So, here you go." Sugar said quickly hands him money to pay for it. "Uh, Sugar, I can't take that." Will said to her. "DAD!!" Jesse and Sebastian yelled at him making Will look at the two and he takes the money. "Okay. Everyone, give it up for Sugar for paying for our FinalNet and cumberbunds!" Will said to the others making the teens cheer. "Okay, everyone, look under your chairs." Sugar said to everyone and the teens look under their chairs. "Except you, Artie. Your chair kept moving, so I hid your surprise in the wastebasket." Sugar said to him and Artie wheels over to the basket. Sebastian looks over to Puck to see he was already eating one. Puck looks at him and Sebastian raise his eyebrows. "I found mine ten minutes ago." Puck said to him while Sam picks one for Sebastian to eat. "V-Day is my fave day ever. And to help me celebrate, my daddy's throwing me a huge, ridic party at Breadstix. And I'm naming it the Sugar Shack. And... drumroll, Quinn..." Sugar said to her and Quinn does a drumroll with a smile. "You're all invited!" Sugar yelled making everyone cheer a little. "But you have to bring a date. No single people allowed. They're sad and boring and they don't exist in my world." Sugar said to them. "Um, but you're single." Mercedes said to her. "Not for long." Sugar said to them and she starts laughing.

At McKinely In The Cafeteria

The Glee club was sitting with each other talking about Sugar's party. "Kurt, I have something for you." Jesse said while taking it out. "If it's not Jamey I don't care." Kurt said to her. "It's not Jamey but it's a card from him." Jesse said while showing the card making Kurt look at her. Kurt takes it from her and he opens it. "Wait, which one are you gonna take to Sugar's V-Day party?" Sebastian asks Puck. "All of them." Puck said to him. "The entire sorority?" Mike asks him. "They don't call them the "E-Z-Dee-Zees" for nothing. I got the gig cleaning the sorority house swimming pool, then I sawed through those chicks like a freakin' sex to room." Puck said to everyone sitting at the table but Kurt who was reading the card. "You're amazing." Rory said to him. "I'm a professional. Tried the true love thing...Wasn't for me." Puck said to everyone. "Well, it is for me." Kurt said making everyone look at him. "And apparently, it's for Jamey, too." Kurt said to them making Jesse smile at him happy to see Kurt smile again. "Even from his sickbed, he's managed to send me a Valentine's Day card. It says 'Especially today, I hope you feel how much I love you and how grateful I am to have you in my life.' So romantic." Kurt said sharing into the card. "God, what have I done." Jesse said to herself. "You see, Puckerman, that's what you're missing out on. True love." Kurt said to him making Puck roll his eyes at him with a smile. "What about you, Rory?" Jesse asks him. "Who are you taking to Sugar's party?" Jesse asks him with a smile while Sam puts Sebastian's arm around him making Sebastian kiss his forehead. "Sugar." Rory said to her with a smile making Artie look at him. "Hold up. You better have an option "B" because I'm all over that." Artie said to him making Rory look at him. "You're going with Sugar?" Rory asks him. "As soon as I ask her out, and she says yes, which I'm sure she will because... I don't mean this to sound mean, Irish...But nobody understands anything you say." Artie said to him while everyone was watching the two. "Baloney. Chicks dig accents." Rory said to him. "I'm sorry, what was that? Couldn't quite make it out." Artie said to him. "Fellas, there's no need to fight. You can just pick up the girls that fall off old Puckerosaurus here." Puck said to them while Rory takes out a four-leaf clover. "This is a four-leaf clover, kid. 'Cause you're going to need all the luck you can get." Rory said to Artie. "Do you people just carry those around?" Kurt asks him. "Let's Road House, Flanagan." Artie said to Rory and the two share at each other. "Someone push them into each other so they can kiss." Sebastian said to his friends while everyone was sharing with them.

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