Chapter 14

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The exit to the library was open already. And after my staring contest with another Bendy cut-out (which I did not win by the way), I left the room. But I didn't expect something like this.....

This whole room looked so unrealistic! It looked like some obstacle course you'd have to complete in some sort of game. Cages were attached to chains, which were dangling from the ceiling. The room was huge but very dangerous to be in. It made me wonder just how big this place was...

Upon walking into the room, I stayed as close as possible to the walls, not wanting to fall off and die. I walked up a few stairs, now being with no walls to grab onto, I felt far from comfortable. I was scared, scared of dying. 24-year-old me couldn't handle the thought of dying at such a young age! So I made sure to stay in the middle of the pathway. Before walking any further, I made sure that the wood was sturdy, or at least good enough to let me pass by. Surprisingly enough, the wood wasn't anywhere near from broken, so I was free to go.

I needed a way to cross to the other side safely. Well, 'safely' was out of the question, there was nothing safe about this place. There was a machine that carried a basket-looking thing, it was big enough for me to sit in, only, it was on the other side of the room. The bridge machine (the machine that carried the basket), was broken, and so I had to fix it. There was a mini machine on the other side. It worked like a vending machine, only, instead of paying cash, it required little balls of ink. You had some options to choose from at the side of the machine and so I picked the one that seemed the best thing to fix the bridge machine. The cog. Next, I went down a small corridor, leading to a smaller room. There was a circle sticking from the floor, full of ink, a pipe on top of it. Next to it was a small pipe with a valve. I spun the valve as the ink started to bubble. After hearing a groan, an ink creature popped out from the small pool. It had a large clump of ink sticking out from its back. I took the risk of grabbing hold of the clump of ink, hoping I wouldn't get hurt. I didn't, but it did shrink back into the ink afterwards.

Once I got back, I placed the ink into the machine and pulled a lever, causing a ball of ink to fall out of the machine and later form into a cog. I grabbed the object and walked over to the bridge machine, finding somewhere to put it. There was a space at the left side of the machine, a small circle sticking out where the cog should go. After placing it in its spot, I pulled the lever located at the back of the machine and waited for my ride to come. I ended up waiting for about 20 seconds before hopping onto it and taking off.

Now I was scared, really scared. I know I shouldn't have looked down but I did anyway. Big mistake. Right as my eyes met the almost invisible ground, I felt weight bring me down. The machine was about to break again, so I panicked. As soon as it reached the other side, I jumped out. Fortunately, it didn't break, still, it was about to, I would know, it was rather old. I took a deep breath in and out, feeling relieved that it was over by now...

Now I was in a very narrow corridor. It looked like it was in terrible condition. The walls had so many holes in, some chipped wood was falling from the ceiling. The cracks on the walls made me feel like anything could reach out and grab me at any moment. But as expected, nothing happened, it was just my paranoia kicking in. Something did make me jump a little once I reached the middle of the corridor. A speaker turned on and I heard a voice, it was that same female voice that I heard in the vents.

"Who are you?" She asked, a hint of disgust in her voice. "Are you here to save Boris? Because if so, then you can try..." 

This only made her seem more suspicious, I'd have to look into it sooner or later. If she was Susie, then what happened? 'Why's she acting like this? Could it be Joey who made her like this? Because I don't think I've heard any stories about her being this way...' I was now having to go upstairs, still having these thoughts in my mind. And once I did reach the top of the staircase, she spoke once again, this time, in a more... unsettling way...

"You better hurry, Boris is having trouble staying in one piece.." She laughed menacingly. That way, it made me feel even more concerned for the poor wolf I had yet to save. I knew who I was saving, it was another alive cartoon character named Boris The Wolf, and that scared me. Not him in general, but what he could become. If I'm too late, then he could turn evil. And the thought of once a sweet wolf turned evil did not sit right with me. She, whoever this is, she may change him completely, and I'm not too fond of that...

I made my way into the next room, seeing a figure of ink pass me by. It never threatened me nor did it come to harm me, it just stood at the balcony. It seemed upset about something, then I heard it. He was upset, he was crying, he said that someone always finds them and that he just wants to go home. I felt sorry for the poor guy, so I just let him walk past before I continued on my journey. But this next room I walked in was far from alright. There were around 20 of them, looking the same as the guy who cried on the balcony, they all looked miserable. They were covered with ink and had yellow glowing eyes, all staring at me, and me only, making me feel uncomfortable. Then I looked to the walls, it seemed they hated an angel or something and wanted someone to set them free, just like Sammy. In this case, they all worshipped Bendy for some reason, I never understood why. In big writing on the back wall, it said 'NO ANGELS!' and underneath, in smaller writing, the same sentence was there 'HE WILL SET US FREE' only, now I knew who they were talking about. Next to the writing was a vent, a vent that I'd most likely had to go in. It was dark, very much like the last time I went in a vent, which wasn't long ago, so I got out my flashlight and crawled into the thing. 

About halfway through the thing, another thing scared me. Through the vent cover, the Ink Demon appeared, seemingly happy. Though I couldn't tell because of that remaining smile. He crouched down to my level, now having me in clear sight, but he never attacked me, which I thought was strange. All he did was tilt his head and walk by...

'What is up with that demon!?' I thought, crawling further through the vent.

Word count : 1271 words


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