Chapter 33

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"I am grateful..." I shut my eyes and smiled softly once again. He was enough to keep me warm, since he basically trapped me. He buried his face in my neck. And after a short while, I heard purrs.
At first I thought it was a cat or something, but that wouldn't be possible. No cat was down here, and if there was, they would most likely be dead by now.
So it must've been the ink demon.
I pretended to be asleep since I didn't want to embarrass him. But eventually, after hearing his purrs and feeling so comfortable, I fell asleep,

Plunged into darkness once again...

"Alright you two, get up." Allison grinned. To that, Bendy woke up, but it was going to take much more than that to wake me up. She rolled her eyes, asking the Ink Demon to wake me up for her.
He shrugged, shaking my half-asleep body. I rubbed my eyes but never opened them.
"Carry me." I demanded, as if I was now in charge of everything. But obviously, Bendy wasn't having it.
"No!" He raised his voice. I groaned, still wanting more sleep. I was just so tired in this place, probably because I haven't seen the sunlight in days.
"Please, you're already holding me..." I said. My unbothered and lazy behaviour was starting to piss him off, but after hearing what I just said he became flustered.
"... After saying that, I'm definitely not carrying you." To this, I stretched my arms and legs, getting up from where I sat. Once I got up, I offered a hand to the ink demon, but he objected. I didn't reply, nor did I care, I just started to walk away without him.
"Tired..?" Asked Allison. I lazily nodded as a response, and she just smiled at that.

Once we got to Bertrum, I was baffled. 'How long have I been asleep for..?'
"About half an hour." Allison replied. By now, I didn't care if people could hear what I thought, they weren't things that absolutely needed to be kept private, so why should I care?
Rhetorical question.
Needles to say, I was astonished at Tom's work. He did all of it in half an hour..! I didn't even understand how it was even possible. Especially since all of the broken parts of Bertrum were extremely heavy. And I doubt that Allison helped, she never said anything about herself being able to do anything like that.

"Wow" was all I could really say at the moment. Proud, Bertrum replied.
"Yeah, I gotta thank the guy. He did amazing job!" Bertrum was impressed too. And honestly, he regretted working with Alice. And felt even more guilty about what was bound to happen.
To all of the staggered faces, Thomas felt so proud of himself. He actually smiled, which was very rare to see. Unfortunately though, not many people saw it.
"I almost feel guilty for working with Alice. I apologise, and I can assure you that I will never get involved with any of her schemes again." Bertrum lied, braking into a fit of laugher. "Oh how naive you are. I'll keep my word, but save it for after this last incident..."

All three of us stood there, confused as to what he was talking about... Until the door opened, revealing none other than Alice Angel.
She looked at us, more twisted and demented than ever before. She smiled widely, her eyes stayed open, she never blinked at that moment. Slowly, she made her way over to us. The ink demon could only look at her in pure anger, and stood in front of me protectively. I couldn't really do anything at that moment. I couldn't move, never dared to speak, heck, I couldn't even think straight.

I felt ashamed. I had a feeling something bad was going to happen, yet I did nothing a about it. Now I guess it was time to pay the price...
"Thank you, Bertrum, for stalling. But I guess now I don't have to contribute to the deal, which is great!" She said in excitement, but changed her look once she turned back to us.

"I must say, it was impressive how you two managed sneak in without me noticing." She clapped her hands together, noticeably walking towards me specifically. "(Y/N). I apologise for that 'talk' we had. It must have been scary for you... But it was an order. A task. And you know how I hate leaving tasks unfinished..!"
Alice whined saying that. At this point, I was more angry at her than scared. Not to say I wasn't scared of her, I was, but I finally had the courage to stand up for myself properly. After all I've been through, I became brave enough to face my fears. So I argued back...
"And you know how much I hated doing your tasks..." I whined. To that, she did nothing but smile, it was unexpected to hear me talk like that, but she didn't really care. "You know, Alice, I think you owe me a favour."
I held out my hand to Allison, who passed me my axe that she kept safe for me.


"Oh? And what would that be?" She giggled slightly, enjoying this quite a bit. Right away, I charged at her with the axe, surprising everyone except Allison. Unfortunately for me, the axe collided with a pipe she defended herself with. We kept pushing each other using our weapons, and so I said,
"To die!" I raised my voice. Right as that was said, we both got hit by Bertrum. He activated the ride as we were talking. Everyone else was fine as they stood in a corner. But right as I got hit, the group rushed to my aid. My back collided with the wall, but I didn't really feel as much pain in the moment as I was more focused on fighting Alice.

"Are you alright!?" Allison panicked. The two boys didn't show it, but they also worried for me. I nodded and charged back to Alice, but beforehand, I instructed that Bendy and Tom go after Bertrum while me and Allison go after Alice.
Now it was 2 against 1.

At the same time, me, Allison and Alice charged at each other. Again, our weapons collided, and in this case, Allison didn't have much so she compromised. In her hand was a plank, which could be useful in some cases. But not right now. In sync, me and Allison rushed a step backwards, leaving Alice to almost trip over herself. I used this time to stab Alice's back with the axe, which didn't do much at the time. It would've helped if Alice didn't use the pipe to hit my leg. I groaned in pain, dropping to the floor.

Behind me, I heard Thomas groan a bit. And when I looked back, he was in so much pain, he lost another arm. To this, Allison panicked, rushing over to her husband. She ducked down beside him, grabbing whatever was necessary to help. While she was distracted, Alice crept up to her. It wasn't long before that caught my attention. I looked around, spotting a giant syringe conveniently placed against a nearby wall. Panicked, I rushed to grab the syringe, ran up to Alice, and right as she was about to attack Allison, I stabbed the needle right through her upper back.

Alice screamed in pain, as I drained all of the ink from inside her, sucking the life out of her. She began to turn white, before dropping to the floor. Once I was done, and was sure she was dead, I pulled the syringe out of her. I watched as she went pale, coughing leftover ink, spewing on the floor. I watched her die. I killed her myself, and even that scared me.

But Alice was gone...
She was finally gone...

- You're safe now :)

I helped both Allison and Tom up. Allison walked with Tom to a nearby chair, sitting him down as she went back to the fight. By now, the Ink Demon had about a third of the ride taken care of. He stared at me in shock, seeing as what I had just done came across unexpected. He was the one who wanted to finish the job, but was far from disappointed once he heard I had that taken care of. He looked at me, Ink splattered over my body.

He smiled widely, insanely might I add, and laughed maniacally. We all waited for Bertrum to pause the ride, and got rid of the screws that held the last (limb?) in place. After a short second, it was all taken care of. Of course, Tom was waiting in the corner, not only was he scared for Allison the whole time, but he was also scared for me and Bendy. Well, not so much with Bendy, but you get the drill.

The main thing we were happy about was the fact that this was over. I could finally go home, get myself sorted out. Not to say that I'm never coming back to this place, I made a promise after all. I just needed to take care of myself first. But at that moment, I was just glad to be alive, and glad my friends were too. I felt so happy!
Mostly happy for the Ink Demon...

A/N: Hello! Unfortunately, there will only be one more chapter, but I made this one longer than usual! I'm also making more art for the story!! :)

Word count : 1608 words


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