Chapter 21

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Who's side am I on? I'm beginning to think that I'm teaming with Alice. After all, Bendy's done nothing but talk to me like shit. And while he has fed me and let me sleep in the throne room, he doesn't seem too fond of me. He's using me. Alice, however, I can't tell when it comes to her.
I could give it to him, then he'd leave me alone. Or I leave it and say 'it's nothing important,' and have him stay with me. I can't decide...

I decided that in the end, I'd give it to Bendy. I coughed up the dust that was in the room and lifted my hand up. The Ink Demon grabbed the note from me, reading it with a confused expression on his face. He never gave the note to me, but instead, kept it with him. I don't know why, the note didn't say anything about the deal.
"I need to go before it's too late..." Bendy sighed, teleporting through his ink.

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I felt relieved he was gone. I never realised, but the whole time he was there, I went stiff. I relaxed as soon as he left, but then I didn't feel so good. I felt guilty. Like I had betrayed Alice. Why did I feel like this? I shouldn't be...
I felt extremely guilty. I knew Alice was smart, smart enough to tell if someone were to be lying. I knew she'd find out about this sooner or later, which only left me feeling like I was in more trouble.
I sat there, on the wooden floor, wrapped up in a thin blanket, begging for warmth. The layers I had on me weren't enough, clearly. I shivered as the room temperature drastically dropped. Maybe that was just me...

I tried to take a quick nap, but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't fall asleep. Not only was this because of the cold, but because of my worry. I knew I was in big trouble, but I struggled to accept that...

In the end, I just gave up on trying to nap. I stood up and rubbed my eyes, my vision became blurry for a few seconds before they adjusted to the very dim light. I yawned, stretching my arms. It seems I got up at the right time, as I heard a voice through the speakers.
"Hello again, errand girl. Did you enjoy the soup? I don't really care." Yep, I definitely couldn't tell how I felt about her. She was complicated. "Shall we get on with your tasks?"
I sighed, still feeling a little tired.
"Yeah..." I softly spoke, dropping the blanket on the ground.

"Well, as you know, I asked you to give a letter to Bertrum. It's a secret for now, but I might tell you later-" She spoke, scratching her head. "For now, we shall focus on me!"
I picked up on the first part. Maybe if I gained her trust, she could tell me the plan and I could tell Bendy. Then again, I'm starting to trust her. She's showed a nicer side of her. Sure, Bendy did the same, but this was different. "What do I have to do?"
"As you can see, my face isn't exactly... Attractive. I'm not perfect. But all my life I've strived to become perfect. In order to achieve that, I must look the part."

Every fictional character is perfect, well, at least in everyone else's eyes. Susie was a special girl. She used to be such a bright little girl, who would always see the positive in even the worst situations. For example, there was one point (at an older age), where her mother was in debt. Susie struggled to find a job to help her mother out, but she always said 'There are so many possibilities, this was just one'. On that day, she met an older man. Only older by a few years. The man was taller by a few inches, rather slim, he had short, black hair and piercing brown eyes. He wore classy uniform to top it off. Susie felt like there was an opportunity right infront of her, and indeed, she was not wrong.
"Hello there young lady!" The man smiled, holding out a hand. Susie shook it and later replied,
"You seem awfully quiet, is something troubling you?" The man looked at her, a worried expression planted on his face.
"Well... Yeah, actually. I've been trying to find a job for days, I need to help out my mom, but I've been turned down by so many career paths..."
It was quiet for a while, and Susie looked away, feeling ashamed. There was no positivity there.
"What's your name, miss?"
"Susie! Susie Campbell!" She lit up. Happy that he was changing the subject.
"Well, Susie, I'm happy you're still trying to find one. In fact, I don't think you need to worry anymore!"  Susie looked at the mysterious man, puzzled. "How would you like to voice act a new character?"
Susie lit up with joy.
"That sounds lovely mister-"
"Drew. The names Joey Drew!"

Because of her and Joey having a similar positive mindset at the time, Susie managed to get a job as a voice actor. Now this one, she loved. She had voice acted before, but not for any big roles. Usually, it was a side character she voiced, but this one was one of the main characters. And that only made her happier.
But despite being in a 'good' place, being payed a lot, and voicing a big role, she never felt perfect. The thought came to her mind one night. What if Alice was the thing she was missing. Maybe she was meant to be Alice Angel...

That brought a whole new meaning to perfect in her eyes.

"I'd like you to help me fix these insecurities." Alice started, feeling excited about the situation. "Go fetch as much ink as you can. And (Y/N), you'll be needing this."
There was a syringe available for me to sample some ink from. I figured I'd have to collect ink from searchers. She'd tell me once it was enough. I just hoped it'd be soon...

A/N: So, hey guys! Laptops still broken :D

Its finally summer holidays for me! I might be able to update this story more! Also I made more art-

It kinda links up to the start of this chapter but yeah!

Word count : 1100 words


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