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"Who are you supposed to be?" 

  Being the new kid is everyone's worst nightmare, especially when it's in the middle of the school term. I had to move here from Chicago after my parents split up and my dad moved to Janesville. I could get used to the small town life here. 

  "Bye Dad, I'll see you later," I waved goodbye to my dad as I stepped out of his car, right infront of Janesville High School. I felt the nervousness in my bones as I stepped into the school building, my schedule and locker number in hand. They came in the mail earlier that week. 

  Students and teachers alike were rushing past me, some occasionally meeting with friends, stopping in the hallway to catch up on gossip. "Locker 67." I kept muttering to myself under my breath. I saw the numbers on the lockers lead up to mine and eventually found mine, with two girls standing infront of it. 

  "Hey, sorry you guys are standing infront of my locker," I said. The two looked at me before moving aside while apologizing. 

  "Are you new?" One of them asked me. I turned to her, she had big, brown eyes, black hair that fell below her shoulders and had a pretty smile. I nodded, smiling back. 

  "Nice to meet you, I'm Alyssa and this shortass is Kiara," she introduced. They looked so friendly. 

  "I'm Sarah, moved here from Chicago," I say. They offered to show me around and we matched our schedules, which, thankfully, were mostly similar. 

  "You and Kiara have History right now, I have Geographical Studies so I'll see you later," Alyssa chirps as she walks off. Kiara and I got to know each other slightly better as we walked to class together. Turned out her parents had split up at the start of the school year too. She seemed so nice, guess that took care of the 'friends' problem.

  The class had their assigned seats and since I didn't know mine, I stood awkwardly at the corner. It was SO awkward. Just then, a middle-aged, bald man, walked in. He stood at the teacher's desk which explained who he was, Mr Walsh, our History teacher. 

  "Let's welcome our new student, Sarah," Mr Walsh greeted in a monotonous way, as if he didn't want another student's work to grade. A few people clapped and I shyly thanked them. Mr Walsh pointed me to an empty seat beside a curly haired boy with his head on the table and told me that was my seat. I thanked him as he walked back to the front of the class to start the lesson. 

  "You're pretty hot," the boy beside me said. He was definitely drunk. To be fair, he was pretty attractive too, but from his pretty drunk state, I knew I didn't want to get hit on by him. 

  "Who are you supposed to be?" I asked him, hoping he'd get the hint. Instead he chuckled, replying with, "Your dream come true."

The Vampire He Is   (Vinnie Hacker)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ