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  "Damn, I always thought you'd end up with Vinnie,"

 I didn't know how it happened but Sarah and I got closer. I started hanging out with her, Alyssa, Kiara and her boyfriend Louis. Josh would join us too sometimes. Sarah and I would jokingly flirt sometimes, giving me butterflies. It sucked that she only saw me as a friend, if only she knew how she made me feel.

  "We are never getting our history project done at this rate," Sarah laughed as we all joked around, drunk, at Alyssa's place. 

  "I thought we came here to have fun?" I teased her, earning myself an eyeroll from Sarah.

  We were all at Alyssa's place, hanging out- well it was mostly Kiara and Louis occasionally making out, Sarah and I playfully flirting and Alyssa on her own, I felt bad for her. 

  "Alyssa, is there really nobody special in your life," Louis asked his sister. 

  She looked down instantly, keeping in a smile- well we got our answer. "Yeah, she likes Dylan." Sarah answered for her.

  Alyssa threw a pillow at her while blushing uncontrollably. We laughed. 

  "Damn, I always thought you'd end up with Vinnie," Louis said simply as he turned back to Kiara. 

  Alyssa and I looked at each other before bursting out laughing, probably because the two of us shared the same secret that nobody else knew. I had turned her into a vampire after we hooked up. It was an accident. She found out about me so I had no choice. If I turned her into one, her life would also be in danger from vampire hunters and that would keep her from telling our secret to the wrong people. It was selfish, I know, but I had to do it. From the corner of my eye, I noticed the weird expression on Sarah's face. It almost looked as if she were jealous. 

  "Dylan as in my best friend Dylan?" I asked, Alyssa nodded in response, slightly embarrassed.  I thought they would work out after she told me she found him attractive the day we hooked up. What she didn't know was Dylan was my cousin, and also a vampire. I will tell her sooner or later. Or she could find out herself. 

  "I can invite him here if you want," I offer. 

  Kiara and Sarah cheered in response, encouraging Alyssa to agree. She finally caved in and I stepped out of the room to call him. As I was dialing him up, I heard them in the room. Super hearing, always useful. I heard them talking about Dylan and Alyssa, Kiara and Louis and then, the attention turned to Sarah. 

  "So since my sister didn't end up with Vinnie, Sarah are you going to date him?" Louis asked, Alyssa scoffed. 

  I strained my ears to hear what she was going to say but Alyssa came out of the room at that instant. "No spying on Sarah," she chided. I rolled my eyes. 

  "I regret turning you."

  "You should have never shown me your fangs, even if you were drunk."

  "You shouldn't have tripped and bled. I wouldn't have smelled it and wouldn't have showed my fangs as part of instinct. The alcohol made it easier to slip up and reveal it."

  Alyssa chuckled and walked back into the room. Just on time. 

  "Hey Dyl, remember the dark hair girl at my party? The one you said looked hot? Yeah, she invites you over, and get this, she likes you," 

The Vampire He Is   (Vinnie Hacker)Where stories live. Discover now