Sarah and Vinnie

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  "Well isn't this a pleasant surprise?" Asked a manly voice from the distance

Sarah's POV

  We sat around discussing our plan. Dylan and Alyssa sped off to get coffee so we could stay focused. It didn't really help me, though. I had just been told that I was related to a werewolf- vampire hybrid who wants to kill people and might even kill me. "I think we should split up. Klaus and I go with Sarah to meet Sheila while the rest of you focus on getting the wooden stake from the tree and wolfsbane," Vinnie suggested. My heart was racing; he wanted to be with me. The rest nodded. Vinnie reached for my hand, taking it in his and just then, all my worries disappeared. I knew he wanted to protect me, and he would stop at nothing to do so.  

Vinnie's POV

  The last thing I wanted was to see Sarah get hurt because of us, but needs must.  Alyssa said she knew where the wolfsbane was. "We'd seen it when Mrs Grey took us for that geography trip to the park. We aren't allowed to pluck it but, no one has to know, right?" She smirked, looking over to Dylan and the two of them sped off. I turned to Klaus, waiting for his instruction. He ignored me and turned to Kiara and Louis. "You are coming with us," he instructed the couple. They nodded, determined to do their best to protect Sarah and themselves while killing Sheila. "Now, we gotta trick the trickster," Klaus smirked. 

Sarah's POV

  Normally, a trek in the jungle would be fun for me; I'd always loved the outdoors. However, knowing that I was about to meet my grandmother, who also happened to be a supernatural serial killer who might also want me dead, didn't allow me to enjoy my trek. Even Vinnie's presence couldn't help lift my mood. 

  Klaus had rung Sheila up, telling her that her descendant had been found and the blood exchange would happen tonight on the condition that he and Vinnie would be there and her descendant would be safe. I guess it didn't seem fitting to mention that she'd run into her descendant, her granddaughter, at a school library while looking for Vinnie. 

  Every crack made by the twigs snapping under my shoe made my heart skip a beat. It was embarrassing that Vinnie could hear how nervous I was because he would hold my hand and give it a little squeeze as if to reassure me that he would keep me safe. If he hadn't come with me, I would not have agreed to meet Sheila. 

Vinnie's POV 

  We finally entered the clearing where we'd agreed to meet Sheila. From the corner of my eyes, I noticed Dylan and Alyssa creeping up to Kiara and Louis with a familiar plant. I gave them a thumb up, which signalled them to look for the old tree whose wood would be used to stake Sheila. We had to ensure that they weren't in Sheila's hearing or smelling range; if not, she would know our plan. They had to hurry; our time away from Sheila was precious. "Do you think she's coming?" Sarah asked, the colour drained from her face. I intertwined our hands, giving her the most confident smile I could muster and nodded. 

  "Obviously, she's coming. Why would she turn down her only opportunity to become undefeatable?" Klaus scoffed. There was a lot at stake if this plan went, and we all knew it. A lot of lives would be lost, and while it might seem selfish when I say I didn't care about losing them, I meant it. I didn't want to lose Sarah, and I swore to myself I'd protect her. Just then, I remembered what she'd told me earlier. "Here, drink this," I said, turning to Sarah, reaching out my wrist that I had just bit into. She was confused for a second but understood instantly. I saw her hesitate, and I drew my hand back slightly; I didn't want it to seem like I was forcing her. Our eyes met even in the dark, and I saw the fear in her eyes. Not the fear of death but the fear of loss. Like me, she didn't want to lose anyone; I hoped I was one of the people she didn't want to lose. With that, she took my wrist, lifted it to her face and drank my blood. A look of disgust flashed across her face, but that turned instantly into a look of horror when her gaze fell on something behind me. I heard Klaus cuss under his breath, and I turned around swiftly, hoping to come face to face with Sheila. 

  "Well isn't this a pleasant surprise?" Asked a manly voice from the distance, causing my blood to run cold. I realised how foolish we were to have underestimated Sheila's intelligence and now, it was going to cost us dearly. 

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