Yandere Skid x Yendere Pump part 1

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Skid's side:

Skid had cornered a girl and was ready to end them, "No please!" The girl pleaded, "Hehe what?" "Please, what did I do!?" "Hehe, his mine! And you're trying to take him away!" "Who?" "Don't pretend you don't know, Pump!" Skid said getting mad, "Oh...Wait! How did you know I liked him!?" "I would say it's obvious. You stutter a lot near him, and your face turns red, as well as everyone else that has fallen for him." "What! How many people have you killed!?" The girl asks in fear. "Just about everyone that has fallen for my best friend and that would be about...20." "Holy! What is wrong with you!? Isn't there a better way!?" The girl yells, making Skid mad, "No! There are to many to handle the normal way! He'll fall for someone else. And I can't lose him. I need him!! I've been with him my whole life!! I can't lose him!!" "You're sick!! Just tell him!! No more questions. Let's get this over with." Skid raised the knife he was holding and shot it down, the girl screamed and died, as you do. Skid cleaned the blood and hid the body, then cleaned himself up. He ran to his mom who was almost done shopping. He was in a ditch close to the mall his mom was at, so it took him a little while.

Pump's side:

Pump had pined a girl on the floor, raising a knife, "Heheheheheheh." "No! Please don't! I'll stay away from him!" The girl pleads, "That's not good enough. Hehehehe." Pump raises the knife again, before being interrupted again, "Wait! Would he want this!?" Pump freezes, he knows he wouldn't, but that was not going to stop him, plus he's gone to far, and the girl would probably report him if he let her go, "...S-shut up." "If this is not what he wanted then why are you doing this?" Pump was getting mad and annoyed, "Ugh, If you will not shut up about it I will make you shut up!" Pump raises the knife, and then forcefully shoves it down. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" The girl screams and dies. "And the deed is done just proves my point, fast is always the best way to go." Pump cleans himself up, hides the body, and then goes back home, but on his way home he could have sweared he could have heard Skid yell madly, but he's sure it's just his imagination.

Maybe these two wouldn't be doing these horrible things if they knew how the other felt, but this is how the world works.

-I am sorry for this.

Word count: 445

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