Teen Skid x Teen Pump

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-Sorry I am not good at this.

Pump walks up to the spot Skid wanted to meet him. It was under a beautiful pink tree. Pump was excited, he had a huge crush on Skid, so he was happy that he was going to spend time with Skid, even though they literally spend all their time with each other anyway, he had a feeling that this one is special somehow, he just does not know what though.

When there Pump sees Skid standing. Pump blushes, 'He's so cute.' Pump thinks. "Skid?" Pump asks getting Skid's attention, Skid turns around. "Oh hi, Pump." "What did you want to talk to me about?" "Well I-I..." Skid stumbles on his words, "It's ok, you can tell me anything." Pump says comforting him and Skid calms down, "Ok it's just that... I really really l-love y-you! I understand if you hate me after this, I just needed to get it out, I could not hold this in any longer. I love you, Pump."

Pump is shocked, he fumbles on his words, "S-Skid I-I...I-I love you too." Skid is shocked and starts happy crying and Pump joins him. They hold hands and kiss. "Shhhhhh, I am here now, and I love you." Pump says, tears still in his eyes, "I love you too." Skid responded happily, also with tears still in his eyes. Now they have each other, forever, and nothing in the world is going to change that.

-This was recommended by: Snowpelt12
Thank you

-I hope you guys enjoyed this!

Word count: 267

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