Skid x Pump school dance

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Skid, Pump, and Nightmare was walking in their school's hallway when they saw a poster on the wall, they look at it, "School dance. You can bring a one special person or come alone." They are silent for awhile before Pump spoke up, "A middle school school dance Huh? Well I guess it's my time to shine." Pump turned to Skid, "Skid would you go to the school dance with me?" Skid smiles, "Of course!" They then turn to Nightmare, "Hey Night? Are you going to go with anyone?" Skid asks, "Well I'm going to take Monokuma..." Pump looked confessed, "Your going to take the teddy bear? The schools probably going to freak out when they see him moving." Nightmare just shrugs, "I don't care. Rather he comes or I don't." They both shrug, "Ok."

-Time skip.-

"So you ready? Nights' already there." Skid says, "Yeah I'm ready." Pump response. They start heading there and talk on the way, once there, they started talking more, and meet up with Nightmare and Monokuma, then the music started up, they started dancing, well.. Skid and Pump did, Nightmare and Monokuma sat there, Nightmare blushing and Monokuma, flirting and being extremely lovey dovey, hugging and kissing her left and right, he had one to many drinks tonight, he stole the wine from the teachers lounge, and the students and teachers are wandering how and why there is a living teddy bear but to scared to do anything about it.

Suddenly slow music started to play, Skid and Pump decided to dance to it. Pump put his hands on Skid's waist and Skid put his on Pump's shoulders, they stared to sway side to side, smiling, blushing, and looking at each other with love in their eyes, "I love you." Skid says, "I love you too." Pump replies, giving Skid a tender kiss on the lips, they both giggle. They look over at Nightmare and Monokuma to them see kissing and Nightmare giggling at how silly Monokuma is acting, and they giggle themselves, "Oh boy, Nightmare got a drunk one." Pump giggled, "Hehe. Yeah."

They where giggling when, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhh!!" They turned to the screaming, they saw a guy making a mess of everything at the food court. Nightmare looked kinda scared and Monokuma turned in to overprotective mod, waving his claws at anyone or anything that came close. The guy that was making a mess then pulled out a knife and started threatening people, "I think we should go." Skid said, "Yeah." Pump replied, they grabbed Nightmare and Monokuma and rushes out the school door.

They run back home and finally take a breather. They look at Nightmare to see her cuddling a tired Monokuma, "Hehe. Awww~ Is the little murderes bear tiered?~" Monokuma nodded, "Yes powees put me to bwed Night-night?~" (Translation: Yes please put me to bed Night-Night?~") Monokuma said slurring and speaking cutesy talk, Nightmare nearly had a nosebleed, "Ahhhhh!! Sooo cuuuuute!!" Skid and Pump chuckled as Nightmare rushed inside to put Monokuma to bed like a child, "Hehe. What a cute couple." Skid comments, "Hehe. Yeah, but not has cute has you~." Pump replies making Skid blushes, "Oh you. Hehe." Skid chuckles and playfully hits him on the shoulder, "Hehe. It's the truth." Pump says causing Skid to blush even more, "Let's go to bed." Skid says, "Yeah, let's go." Pump says as he pick Skid up and carry's him to the bed room.

Pump sats Skid on the bed and lays down next to him, and they cuddle, "Love you.." Skid says, "Love you too." Pump replies has they both fall asleep.

-Another one done. I honestly am really proud of this one!

-Word count: 620

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