Bad corrupted Pump x Skid

652 6 17

-Not related to the lest one or t he book.

"Please no..." Skid begs. "Oh Skid you really thought I loved you, you fool."😈 Pump says evilly, "I know your still in there Pump, I can feel it. You promised remember?"

-Flash back:

"Skid." Pump says, "Yes Pump." Skid reply's, "I know its kinda random and that we are happy now but, remember this, no matter what I will always be there, by your side, no matter what, now and till the end of time." Pump says as he cups Skid's face, "Pump I... I won't forget.. I promise." Pump smiles, "Good. Now get some sleep you'll need it for Spooky month tomorrow."👻 Skid gets excited and widely smiles, "Yes. It's the spooky month."👻 "hehe, Your my spooky month."👻❤️ "Awwww."❤️

-End of flask back

"You promised." Skid said with tears in his eyes. Pump is silent, "... S-Shut up!" "Pump please, I-I love you."💧❤️ Pump is silent, "Pump?" Skid asks in a worried concerned tone. Pump starts crying, "Pump!" Skid runs over to Pump and falls to his knees hugging him. Pump is crying softly in to Skid's shoulder and hugs back.🫂 "Shhhhhhh, it's ok, I love you."❤️ Pump crys even harder, "Why?" "Why what?" "why are you so nice?" "Huh?" "I tried everything from lying to you to hurting you to pushing you on the floor telling you things that would break you down in tears, and yet you stay strong and believe in me that I am good at heart, and you still came here and comfort me when I started to break down, even after all the horrible things I have done!Why!?" Pump crys harder, Skid cups Pump face, "Because I love you, your still yourself, and you love me, right?"❤️ Pump sniffs, "Yeah.. Yeah I love you. I love you more then the universe can comprehend. Your my everything, that's why I did not corrupted you, I don't think I could live with out you, and I could not bear to see your gorgeous body and face being consumed by a black and hot pink corrupted substance. I-I love you so so much."❤️ Pump calm a little as Skid makes soothing shapes on his back, "Hehe shhhhhhhhhh it's fine, I love you too, shhhhhhhhh." "I'm.. I'm sorry." Pump says as he softly crys in to Skid shoulder. "Shhhhh, It's ok shhhh." Skid rocked the corrupted in his arms. "C-can we go to bed?" Skid asked, "It's the least I could do for you after everything." Skid and Pump walk to the bed and layed down and cuddled, they both fall asleep in each other's arms, calming each other, Pump happy he does not have to be mean to Skid again.🛌🫂❤️

-Aww I think this is a sweet chapter.

Word count: 469

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