Yandere Skid x Yendere Pump part 2

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Pump woke up in a basement. He looks around and saw Skid smiling at him with wide happy eyes. He tried to move but his arms and legs are tied and taped down but not his mouth, but he didn't scream, he just stared at Skid. "Morning sleepyhead, hehe." Skid said in a creepy and excited way. "Skid? What are you doing?" "Your up finally." He says smiling even bigger, it was creepy but oddly sweet at the same time, like the happy smile he aways gave Pump, only this time it was slightly creepy and he was tied down in Skid's basement.

"Why do you look calm?" Skid asked curiously, "What do you mean?" "I would have thought you would be more scared." "Skid, I have done and seen worse." "R-really, like what?" Skid seemed a bit scared now and kind of started regretting bringing Pump here, but not a lot. "Murder, torcher, etc. All were very gruesome." "Wait you have done and seen that too!" Skid seemed surprised. "Yeah, wait! You've also done that!?" "Well yeah." Skid then pulls out a knife, "Holy- wait. Are you g-going to kill me?" Pump got scared, the love of his life was going to kill him!? He tried to hold back his tears. "What no! I was going to...  it's hard to explain... I was killing and Kidnapped you because of you because... ok here I go... Pump I-I l-love you!" Skid blurted out.

Pump was shocked, "I-I... Skid move down." Skid confused and nervous but moved down to Pump's face. Pump lend as far as he could go and kissed Skid. Skid was shocked, "Oh wow, I guess this was not necessary." "Yeah, uh Skid could you, you know... untie me." "Oh right." Skid unties Pump. Pump tackles Skid. "Ahhhhh!" Skid screams out of surprise. "Hehe shhhhhh hehe." They kissed again and laugh. They spent the rest of the day together till night. At night they had a sleepover and went to bed and cuddled, they were happy, they have each other and nothing was going to change that.

-Sorry for this as well.

Word count: 364

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