Insanity Skid x Pump

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"Isn't this fun Pump?~" Skid asks Pump. Skid and Pump were in an abandoned house. Pump was tied up and Skid was playing with him, "Isn't this fun Pump?" Skid says a little more seriously, "No. No, it's not." Skid holds up a knife to Pump, "Isn't this fun, Pump!?" "Yes! Yes! It's fun!" "Good." Skid goes back to what he was doing. Pump looks at him, 'How did you become like this?' Pump sighs. He wants to cry he cant with Skid around. Pump's head hurts. Pump wants to rub it but his hands are tied and even if they were free. With the amount of unprofessionally Bandaged Bandages, it would be hard to. Pump looks back at Skid. He was still doing his own thing, "Hey. Skid?" "Yes!?~" "W-What are you doing?" "Drawing!~ Look!~" Skid show him his drawings. It's of both of them in a field. It would look nice if there wasn't also blood everywhere and stakes with peaples heads, "They were everyone that didn't like us." Skid smiles and goes back to drawing. Pump was a little scared but calmed when realizing that he wasn't dead in it, 'At least that.' Pump looks at Skid, 'He's insane but.... he's so pretty....why Skid? Why you? I loved you. I still do....why?' Skid looks at him, "Hey Pump.~" "Y-Yes!?" "It's bedtime.~" "O-Oh. Ok...." Skid unties Pump and grabs his wrist. They head to the bedroom.

Pump lays on the bed and Skid jumps on it after, "Hehe!~ Bounce!~" Skid them lays down and Pump wraps his arms around him, "....Skid?" "Yes!?~" "Why do we do this at bedtime?" "because!~ It's nice!~ Make me feel..comfortable...." Skid turns and snuggles in Pump's chest. Pump is silent for a moment. He then holds Skid tighter and closer, 'This is nice.' "Skid?" Skid is silent, he's asleep. Pump looks at Skid's face, "So Beautiful...." Pump's hand shakes as he reaches for Skid's mask and takes it off. Pump blushes, "How?" Pump puts the mask back on, "I love you...." Pump lays his head back down and tries to sleep.

The next morning Pump woke up to a very happy and smiling Skid, "Skid?" "You feel it too?~" "Feel what?" "You love me!~" Pump eyes widen, " do you know?" "Thetes cameras. I put them up. I saw the love me...." Pump is Quiet. Skid grabs Pump's cheeks, "I love you too!~" Pump looks at him, "Really?" "Yes!~" Pump smiles, "Can I-?" "Yes.~" Pump kisses Skid. Skid smiles, "I love you Pump.~" "I love you too.~" Skid snuggles in Pump's chest, "Mine!~" "Yes. Yours....I'm never leaving you." They both smile and Snuggle, happily, because they are together, forever.

-I hope ya'll enjoyed this! Have a good day or night!

-Word count: 471

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