Nice Corrupted Pump x Skid

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Skid is crying next to Pump, "Pump~ Pump~. Why? Come back! Give me back my friend!" "But Skid, I am your friend." Pump responses, he's voice is echoey. "N-No your not!" Skid says mad and with tears in his eyes. 'Sigh Skid~ Why must he be scared and mad at me? Why?' Pump thinks. CRASH!!💥Skid and Pump both jumped at the loud noise. "I'll go see what it was." Pump said turning to see Skid, and sees him trying to open the door to no avail. Pump put Skid on his shoulders and walks to where the noise was. It was in the kitchen.

He sees rat looking for food, "It was just a rat looking for my food.🐀" Skid hugged Pump's head, and whispered something. "I love you Pump. Come back to me." 'I'm here Skid, I'm here.' Pump says in his head. They walk away, "C-Can we look at the stars?"✨ Skid asks, "Of course." Pump smiles happily, though to Skid is looks creepy and sadistic, it scares him. They walk out side and lay down.

Pump slowly put his hand on Skid's causing him to flinch it and pull away, making him sad. They stay silent for awhile. Pump had a big teethe frown on his face, he wanted to hold Skid's hand so much and just hold him in his arms but Skid was scared of him so he always flinch and pulled away from his grip, the only thing he was able to do was put him on his shoulders every time he want to hold him. "It's pretty." Skid's sudden talking snapped Pump out of thought. "It is, but not as much as you." Skid is silent? "... Are you.. Pump?" "Who else would I be?" "...Why are you not like everyone else, all mean and trying to corrupted things and people?" "Because, your mine and I like you how you are. I love you." Skid silent again "...I-I..I'm sorry." "Hey hey, it's fine." "I love you." "I love you too." They hear a crushing in the woods. "Let's go back in side." Pump says, "Of course." Pump picks up Skid in a brittle style. They go back in side and he puts Skid on the bed.

Pump lays next to Skid and hugs him. Skid hugs back. Pump then kisses Skid, finally getting what he wanted.🛌🫂 "Shh Go to sleep." "Right, of course, I love you." "I love you too." Pump caressed Skids face over and over again not wanting to look away, as if he were to stop he would disappear. He keeped doing it intill he fall asleep. Both of them in each others arms, happy.

-I think this is was a sweet chapter.🍬

Word count: 460

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